Fiction - The Calm Before The Storm

Jul 20, 2011 23:19

Fiction- The Calm Before The Storm, Chapter 1
Probably destined to be a series as I have no true self-control.
Pairing- Billy/Dom
Rating - PG 13 - language and adult concepts.
Contents - Set mid way through principal photograph in New Zealand - a look at what it might have been like for Billy when his attraction to Dom was new and unfamiliar.
Disclaimer - total fiction - not intended to be confused with reality.

Billy didn’t think a lot of things in life were fair, but the way Dom looked tonight was especially perturbing. Leaning patiently against the bar he was sporting a threadbare white tee and black leather trousers which had contoured themselves to his arse and thighs as though the lad had been born in them.

“Fuck,” Billy hissed inwardly to himself, simultaneously captivated, frustrated, and completely unable to look away.

It was Billy’s additional opinion that no one should be allowed out wearing a pair of trousers as shapely as those, but most unsettling was whatever Dom routinely did to his hair. He always looked as though he had just rolled out of bed and into a set of clothes destined to come back off at any moment. Billy wanted to be in charge of the part when they were coming back off, just after running his fingers through his spiky and soft blond hair. Merely pausing to examine those ideas in that much detail made Billy profoundly uncomfortable, and yet he continued to sip his beer and watch Dom quietly from a safe distance.

Despite all of his unsolicited opinions and objections, he knew tonight would be no different from any other in recent weeks. If only in his mind he would wantonly pull Dom into bed with him as he had done over numerous nights, eager to know each strong and sexy curve and tender hidden place. As a result of so much pleasurable fantasy the mere sight of Dom lately in whatever he was wearing left Billy slightly confused and mildly off balance, but tonight it all felt magnified tenfold. What was it about Dom that made the two of them instant mates yet pulled and teased relentlessly at his prick at the same time? It was as though Billy no longer understood his own mind or motivations, and the smoldering internal conflict had become impossible for him to ignore. Billy was determined to open, examine, and conquer this persistent distraction before it consumed or derailed him. He was not accustomed to being guided by his emotions, but instinct was pushing him steadily toward Dom, and he felt helplessly unable to change course.

As Billy pondered his thoughts and feelings he almost didn’t notice when someone else sidled quietly alongside Dom at the bar, and by the time he did notice him moments later the guy appeared comfortably entrenched and deeply engaged in small talk. He had the look of a local bloke, wore casual dress, and was at least three inches taller. Billy thought he also laughed far too eagerly at small comments Dom was making and openly touched him unnecessarily too many times while feigning full attention.

“Who the fuck is that?” Billy asked himself irritably, having noticed the stranger rubbing one thumb suggestively back and forth across Dom’s wrist. Watching closely now, Billy frowned sternly at the newcomer who had made himself comfortable and at home next to Dom. Despite what Billy estimated to be an attempt to keep things at ease, he wore the calculated and almost hungry look of a man on the prowl nonetheless, and his very presence made Billy uneasy. He thought the man’s eyes traveled entirely too freely across Dom’s face and shoulders as though assessing him for future adventure, and the lure he was sure he saw there caused Billy’s fingers to tighten severely around his glass. Billy sensed this guy was somehow inherently dangerous, and he was suddenly desperate to pull Dominic completely away from him.

Springing abruptly out of his chair Billy approached Dom and the other man rapidly, his anger rising with each and every step. He had no idea who the new guy actually was, but he did know he would not tolerate his presence next to Dom any longer. Billy had made no attempt to move quietly, and his boots smacked loudly against the floor as he walked. Both Dom and the stranger seemed startled and turned to face him as he neared. Billy met Dom’s eyes momentarily as he closed the last few steps between them. He found it hard to read exactly what was mirrored there in part because he was so distracted by his own anger, and partly because he was solidly focused on removing Dom from the situation.

“Dom,” Billy began, addressing him despite fixing his eyes squarely on the stranger. “I’ve been waiting for you,” he emphasized, wrapping his hand firmly around Dom’s upper arm and pulling him aside. Dom winced at Billy’s grip but allowed himself to be maneuvered. Still surprised he looked more closely at Billy, his own eyes softening and a slight smile beginning to appear at the corners of his mouth as he quickly appraised Billy’s demeanor. He wasn’t exactly clear what had spurred Billy into this type of action, but he actually welcomed the interference in this case, and he was more than happy to play along. It was also obvious that Billy was quite serious, and Dom knew him well enough by now to know that whatever his intentions were it was best to just cooperate. He would allow Billy to lead them into whatever was next. He always enjoyed improvisation even amid the palpable type of tension surrounding their current triangle.

“Right! Got my drink - let’s go then,” Dom returned, allowing Billy to jerk him away. “Well, cheers then, mate,” he tossed over his shoulder at his recent new acquaintance, and turned quickly to walk away as directed.

Billy had latched onto Dom’s arm and pulled him firmly in the opposite direction while maintaining his visual stand off with the other man. He had given Dom a little extra shove for good measure as he passed sending him faster in the opposite direction of someone who was obviously prowling for night time companionship. He actually couldn’t blame the guy for trying, but Billy’s sudden flair of jealousy would not allow him to be tolerant tonight. The other guy stood looking calmly back at Billy, but he offered no outward objection. Whatever his exact original intentions had been, he and Billy at least understood each other. The message was that Dom was not available tonight, and his new acquaintance would have to shop elsewhere.

Dom grinned as Billy slid into place beside him at the table. Billy’s move had been bold but unmistakable, and he was privately thrilled to cooperate and comply. He hadn’t seen this side of Billy until now, but he was confident he could enjoy getting to know him.

“Guess I had forgotten we had a date,” Dom began sarcastically, hoping for a return smile from Billy as he settled into place beside him. Billy didn’t respond immediately but Dom could see he was angry, and he chose to say nothing further immediately.

“What the hell was that all about?” Billy asked suddenly.

Puzzled, Dom sat with his hands folded casually in front of him on the table and studied Billy’s tight expression. Mentally he scrambled to determine if something else was actually at topic here. What else had occurred? What had he missed? And why was Billy so fucking upset?

“All that?” Dom echoed sharply. “What exactly is it we are talking about when we say all that?” he asked. “The guy touched my wrist and hand - that’s all! Why? Did you see something else? Do we need to correct my social etiquette now, Billy?” Dom was somewhat irritated by all of the fuss over what he viewed as nothing extraordinary, unusual, or out of line. Billy glared back at him for several moments before his eyes wavered and he forced himself to turn his attention back to the table instead. He knew he had done something he would now have to explain, and he could choose to make up some plausible explanation, laugh it off, or he could just give in and be honest with Dom. He knew Dom would expect the truth from him, so taking a deep breath he chose the latter.

“I’m sorry, Dom, if I was out of line,” he began quietly. Swallowing hard he tried to concentrate before continuing, “but I just couldn’t stand watching him touch you, and I had to do something.” As though he had developed a sudden headache Billy rubbed both temples hard with his fingers as if in search of some additional explanation. “I didn’t like it, and I wanted to stop him. That’s really all there is to it,” he finished in exasperation before flopping both arms back down on the table. His cheeks were slightly flushed, and even in the low lighting a faint sheen of sweat could be seen across his brow. He had gotten himself severely worked up, and now he would have to focus to calm himself down.

Billy was obviously also embarrassed, and Dom wanted to eliminate any further discomfort between them. His own irritation was lessening, but a couple of new cards were unmistakably on the table between them. This scenario had indeed shifted into something more personal. Dom was not unaccustomed to being cruised by other men, but he had not realized Billy had garnered any thoughts of the same persuasion. He had assumed Billy to be staunchly straight, although admittedly they had never discussed it directly. Billy was warm, friendly, and utterly in love with people as a general statement, and it was also easy to discern that Billy was very attracted to women. Dom shook his head inwardly at himself. He had thought of himself as by no means naive, but he had not realized that Billy just might swing both ways. This was indeed new and interesting information.

Considering and then rejecting a couple of ideas, Dom eventually slid his hand carefully over Billy’s and sat quietly without saying anything further. He rested his chin in his other hand, and continued to wait, in no hurry to end what he could see might be an important albeit difficult moment for Billy. He would give him all of the time he needed, but until then he was happy to wait quietly, covertly holding Billy’s hand. Billy’s eyes flitted to his moments later, and Dom returned his gaze patiently and calmly. Billy smiled briefly, but continued to take a few more moments to calm himself. Things were improving quickly between them - the atmosphere that had surrounded them at the bar had dissipated, and if felt like old times and almost normal stuff had returned. Things always seemed just right in the universe for Dom when Billy was around, and tonight he had been able to observe some of that reflecting strongly back at him.

“Bill,” Dom finally began quietly, cupping Billy’s hand gently beneath his. “I didn’t know something like that would bother you, or I wouldn’t have allowed it to happen,” Dom began earnestly. “I didn’t know, and I’m sorry for that.”

“It’s not your fault,” Billy said simply. “I’m not sure I knew it myself, not until just now anyway.” Billy chanced a glance at Dom to find him smiling gently back at him, understanding and patience written squarely on his face. Time filled the short silence between them and slid by without anything additional needing to be said, and Billy was suddenly thankful for the semi dark atmosphere that enveloped them.

“I am curious though about one thing though,” Dom eventually began carefully.

“What’s that?” Billy replied.

“So if baby-in-blue-jeans over there hadn’t backed off, what were you going to do?”

“I think I might have cut his nuts off,” Billy returned calmly.

Dom looked back at him in quiet acknowledgement, a slow and naughty smile washing over him. Delicately he began to caress Billy’s wrist with his thumb, watching intently for his response. Billy quickly broke into a wide smile, cheeks flushing slightly again at the gesture, but he made no attempt to pull away.

“Ah, I’ve fucked up, Dom,” he continued in exasperation.

“You didn’t fuck up, Billy,” Dom returned without hesitation. “I’m ok with what you did, it just took me by surprise is all.”

Dom glanced toward the bar, but the stranger he had been talking to previously was now nowhere to be seen. In fact, the place was almost entirely empty, and because it was very late it would also be closing soon. Dom took a large sip from his drink before returning his full attention to Billy. Billy still looked unsettled and uncomfortable, and Dom was working with some effort to try and learn what it was Billy truly wanted from him. It wouldn’t be helpful to make a mistake with his intentions. If it was brotherly love and advice he was interested in, he had loads of it. If this was something more intimate, Dom wanted to fully understand what was happening. It obviously wasn’t in Billy’s usual repertoire to have these types of experiences. He didn’t want to create further discomfort for Billy, and he didn’t want to hurt him if he was experiencing some sort of personal crisis. These new discoveries would demand proper time and attention to understand, and Dom intended to explore them slowly and appropriately.

“Billy, let’s go,” Dom offered. “I don’t wanna be here any more.”

Billy looked up at him then, all outward signs of anger seemingly vanished and evaporated.

“Alright,” he answered uncertainly. “I hope I haven’t ruined your evening, Dom.”

“Shush, it was nothing,” Dom cantered. “So my place is closer than yours,” he continued. “I say we go there and discuss a couple of things. What say you?”

Billy smiled in acknowledgement and nodded slightly. That actually sounded splendid to him, away from prying eyes and nosey strangers. He liked Dom’s little place with it’s easy decor and typically tidy housekeeping. He suspected most people thought Dom would be wildly messy and disorganized, but he had learned over time that was actually not the case. A grooming routine such as Dom’s apparently required a lot of thought and organization, and Dom had long ago perfected how to expedite his mornings and prepare himself for the rest of his day. He’d even taken the time to categorize his nail polish by color which made finding what he wanted on a whim so much easier. Corresponding shades of eyeliner could be located handily as well. Billy had found it all quite admirable on the surface and overall utterly charming. If he had been inclined to wear either he was sure he would never be able to accomplish the same level of organization.

“Come on, Bills,” Dom said, interrupting his thoughts. “Let’s get going before you have to fight someone else off,” he added.

Billy chuckled out loud at that suggestion, but followed Dom willingly to his feet.

“Well,” he counseled himself sternly as he stood to go. “It just might be time to face the music tonight.”

Billy glanced at Dom again mostly for reassurance just as Dom threw a friendly arm around his neck and tugged him close as they walked together toward the pub door. They fell into an easy side by side step each of them momentarily absorbed in their own thoughts. Dom seemed largely unruffled by anything that had happened, but Billy sighed inside with enormous relief that he had possibly avoided doing something irreparable and stupid. He had not thought about what the potential fall out from all of this might be, but it was well past too late for that. Good, bad, or profoundly ugly, he was about to learn what the outcome would be.

The warm and fresh night air hit them in the face as they stepped through the door and into the street. Dom sighed appreciably and tickled Billy mildly once in the ribs for a chuckle as they turned north and kept walking. Billy snickered and twisted slightly away, but returned close to his side when Dom didn’t continue.

“You didn’t drive?” Billy asked, a little surprised.

“Nope,” Dom responded. “I knew that you would be here and you would have your car. I like to keep things simple.”

Billy’s car was parked only a few steps ahead, and he pulled the keys from his pocket while he pondered what Dom had said. Dom didn’t live far away, and walking to the pub would have been an easy and sensible decision.

“You planned to leave with me?” Billy asked curiously.

“I was hoping to, yes,” Dom replied with candor.

They had reached the small vehicle Billy was renting while in New Zealand, and Billy unlocked the door for Dom on the passenger side. He opened it politely and gestured to Dom to climb in before turning to walk to the driver’s side. Dom was watching him coyly from across the top of the car, and just before climbing into the passenger seat he said, “I’ve always noticed how much you like black leather upholstery,” before folding himself neatly into the awaiting front seat.

Billy stood staring at the space where Dom had been standing moments earlier before regaining enough presence of mind to open the door and get in himself. As the car door closed firmly behind him he turned and stared at Dom before dropping his gaze to the same black leather trousers that had driven him to distraction earlier. Dom and his leather clad arse were tucked smugly into the front bucket seat, his legs stretched languidly out in front of him, waiting patiently for Billy to get in and drive.

“So, my place then?” Dom asked innocently.

Billy was having a little difficulty finding the ignition with the key, but successful at last, he turned on the engine and gunned it mildly before pushing firmly into first gear.

“Your place it is,” Billy replied, confidently pulling out into traffic and heading for Dom’s bungalow.

billy/dominic, pg

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