Drabble: Beginnings (Lotrips, Orlando/Elijah, 1/1)

Nov 16, 2010 21:40

Title: Beginnings
Author: sparkly_shiny
Disclaimer: I don't own a thing.
Rating: None
Fandom: Lotrips
Characters/Pairing: Orlando/Elijah
Prompt: The first flirtations and the beginning of love.
Notes: I was dared to write this by alilypea. This is my first time writing in this fandom, so please, go easy on me. Constructive criticism is appreciated, just don't flame me mindlessly.

The flirtations had started innocently at first; Elijah thought he had imagined them. He’d had very little interaction with Orlando on the set, apart from the scenes they were in. Elijah was shy, polite, but he preferred to spend his break time in his trailer, alone. It wasn’t that he thought he was above talking to his co-stars; it was that he never knew what to say, and he hated making small, awkward talk.

Orlando, on the other hand, was friendly, not overly so to the point where it was annoying, though, and he’d liked Elijah right away. In fact, on the first day, he had walked up to Elijah, and with that dazzling smile that Elijah had immediately noticed, put his hand out to shake it and had introduced himself.

“Elijah,” he had said. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Orlando.”

Elijah had simply stared at the man for a few minutes, taking in his warm, smiling gaze, and looking down as he spoke so that his blush wouldn’t be apparent. The last thing he wanted was to scare away someone who could potentially be a friend later on..or perhaps even more. And just as soon as the thought had entered his mind, Eljiah mentally slapped himself for even thinking it. He didn’t know this guy; why was he thinking it?
He deduced, several weeks later, that it had to be Orlando’s personality. After spending more time with him, he had learned that the Brit could be very charming, and a bit devilish when he wanted to be. He was always touching Elijah, in what others would brush off as innocent, but Elijah knew better. He noticed the glint in Orlando’s eyes when he draped an arm around his shoulders, or when he ruffled his hair and playfully called him ‘Lij, which had made him blush yet again.

But the flirtations deepened as filming went on. They progressed from simple, quick touches to lingering ones, hungry ones, almost, and Elijah knew when Orlando started spending more and more time in his trailer instead of in his own, or even with Billy, Dom, Viggo, or Bean, that they were getting in over their heads.
But he enjoyed it, in spite of his nagging worries. He enjoyed Orlando lounging in his trailer with him, the Brit sharing the small couch with him as the two of them shared take-out that he had picked up. After fighting with his feelings for so long, Elijah could no longer deny it.

He was in love with Orlando. All of this surely had to be the beginning of something. He wasn’t sure what, but for now, he was going to enjoy it.

g, elijah/orlando

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