Astin's Diary - 18

May 20, 2007 00:27

Fondest regards my sisters and brothers! I hope you are well and happy! With your kind indulgence I offer:

TITLE: Safety Dance - Men Without Hobbit Feet
AUTHOR: Pecos -
RATING: PG for silliness and naughty language
FEEDBACK: remember the golden rule, (please!)
DISCLAIMER: I don’t make the toys, I’m
only playing with them. No money made,
nor disrespect intended
WHO’S IN IT?: People whom I’ve never met
and hold no actual grudge against
NOTE: I’m pretty sure Sean Astin is actually a
really nice guy. Ditto the other dudes

SAFETY DANCE - Men Without Hobbit Feet 18

From the Journals of Sean Astin:

Friday the Twenty-seventh
Amount of money left from this week’s per diem: $120.38…but it’s NZ dollars

After-work - We’re having a Cast Bar-Be-Que at Mark Ordesky’s house. Christine oddly reluctant to attend, asking if Viggo will be there. I’m sure that’s because she was hoping for end-of-week Private Time with her husband. She’s so sweet like that. Phillippa’s son is babysitting for us. I hope he doesn’t get into the beer again.

7:25 - We arrive a bit late, due to writing out full instructions for babysitter and programming Ordesky’s phone number into the kid’s cell phone. My beautiful wife has brought a lovely avocado dip and salsa.

7:28 - I leave party to run to corner store for chips. Per diem now down to $111.84.

7:35 - return to party. Find Christine on the patio, where there is some sort of hilarity ensuing around corn on the cob. Orlando is still clearly avoiding being alone with Viggo or Sean, and seems intent on getting drunk. Mr. Bloom can get drunk on three thimble-fuls of beer.

7:45 - Viggo startled my wife in the kitchen, and she dropped a steak on the floor. I tell her it is not safe to just rinse it off, but Viggo takes it and throws it on the grill anyway. I decide not to have steak tonight. Orlando is dirty dancing with Liv in the garden. Dominic trying to get Billy to dance with him as well, but Billy is clearly more intent on eating. Must still be in Hobbit character. Good for him!

7:52 - I suggest TWISTER. Apparently they don’t HAVE TWISTER in New Zealand. Banana cream pie especially tasty, have to get Fran’s recipe for Christine.

8:12 - Orlando officially drunk. His shirt is missing and someone has written TWAT on his shoulder blade in non-washable marker.

8:29 - engage in exciting political discussion with Ian McKellen. He has a unique perspective on the British Legal System, being a Knight and all. Sean Bean is now shouting ‘Bollocks!’ and knocking Hobbits over on the lawn. ‘Bollocks’ may be impolite for mixed company - will have to Google it when I get home.

9:05 - Christine and Fran are playing pool. I find this very arousing -- in a marital sort of way. Catch Viggo staring at Orlando where he is giving JRD a scalp massage and kisses on his swollen face. Very un-hygienic. I should suggest some sort of cream for the poor man’s condition. Will search my Tabor’s Cyclopedic Medical when I get home.

10:00 - Well, I should have KNOWN that would be where the second banana pie would end up. I hope Dominic is happy. Elijah takes it well, but he’s going to be forever getting that out of his ears.

10:13 - Ian leaving early, with his new young assistant. They seem very friendly. I get him to take some avocado dip home. Don’t want the bowl to be nearly full at the end of the evening.

10:20 - Orlando shouting “Liar!” at Sean Bean. Viggo insists that Liv take him home. Bean seems contrite, but how can one tell? He knocks Viggo over, and they wrestle. I’m sure glad those two aren’t homosexually inclined, or it would be very weird having them do this at a work-related Bar-Be-Que. I think it’s time for the Astins to retire as well.

10:37 - Damn Boyens kid drank two beers! I’ll be telling Phillippa on Monday!

no pairing, genfic, pg

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