Astin Diary 5

Mar 04, 2007 00:12

TITLE: Safety Dance - Men Without Hobbit Feet
AUTHOR: Pecos -
RATING: PG for silliness and naughty language
FEEDBACK: remember the golden rule, (please!)
DISCLAIMER: I don’t make the toys, I’m
only playing with them. No money made,
nor disrespect intended
WHO’S IN IT?: People whom I’ve never met
and hold no actual grudge against
NOTE: I’m pretty sure Sean Astin is actually a
really nice guy. Ditto the other dudes

From the Journals of Sean Astin:

Monday the nineteenth
Number of days we’ve gotten into Hobbit feet w/o filming them: 40!

…and THAT will be the last time I ever buy the cheap brand of ear swabs again. Some things just must be paid full price for.

6:05 pm - Getting very tired. Called Christine to tell her we’ll be late tonight. She said she’s playing poker with ‘the girls’.

6:06 - *I* know how to play poker. She never plays poker with *me*.

6:13 - I was NOT sulking…but it was nice of Elijah to stop by and give me that hug. He doesn’t hug anything like a girl, despite what Dom was yelling.

6:14 - I wonder if Dom was referring to me?

6:58 - Bean makes a joke about American football. I punch him in the arm. Hard. Very manly, thank you. He laughs. Should I hit him harder?

7:10 - Legolas - I mean Orlando - gives me a neck rub. He’s got very strong hands. Must be the bow practice. I advise him on the dangers of carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive motion disorders. Orlando laughs and kisses my ear.

7:11 - Return to make-up to see if ear needs repaired. It’s good.

7:28 - filming interrupted when Peter spots a weta. He screams just like a girl.

7:29 - Hobbits are now taking the piss out of Peter for screaming just like a girl. Nice to see everyone picking on someone else for a change.

7:30 - need to Google wetas to see if they’re dangerous. New Zealand sucks.

8:42 - Billy says that the ‘guys’ are playing poker on Wednesday, and would I like to join?!? I offer to bring the chips and salsa. Note to self: buy antacid.

8:43 - New Zealand is AWEsome!

no pairing, genfic, pg

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