Challenge Fic: Five Minutes Longer.

Jan 25, 2007 21:51

Title: Five Minutes Longer.
Author: Raven
Email: tarnishedraven at gmail dot com
Rated: Adult
Characters: Sean Bean/Orlando Bloom
Chapter: One
Disclaimer: The characters in this story have the same names as certain well-known actors. The descriptions sound like them. The icons have their faces on them. But they are characters in a story and this story is of the genre known as fan-fiction. It comes from my imagination, nowhere else.

Notes: Written for challenges issued at the_challenger

1] Challenge by angiepen
"Courage is the complement of fear. A man who is fearless cannot be courageous. (He is also a fool.)" Robert Heinlein.
2] Challenge by abandt
Orlando/Sean. Orlando's back injury takes an unexpected turn for the worse and he ends up in a wheel chair. He pushes his friends away.

Five Minutes Longer.

orlando/sean b, nc-17

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