(no subject)

Aug 22, 2006 20:19

Title: A Month in the Country Part 3
Author: rinnuninnu
Fandom: Lotrips AU
Pairing: EW/OB SB/VM DM/BB EW/SA implied
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Never happened, all lies
Author's Note: Beta by slashfairy, Part 1 and Part 2.
Summary: Elijah spends summer away from home.
Feedback: Always welcome!

A Mont in the Country Part 3

Elijah wakes up slowly. He yawns happily. The sun is shining through a slit between curtains. He turns to lie on his back and yawns some more. He rubs his eyes and smiles. The footsteps on the stairs make him sit up and pull the cover higher. There's a knock on the door and Sean peeks in.

"Morning sleepy head," he opens the door. "We have a surprise for you."
Benny dashes to the room and immediately leaps on Elijah's bed. Sean comes after him carrying a breakfast tray.
"Good morning! You shouldn't have! Sean, this is too much!"
"Yes I should! Your mom called earlier and I promised her to feed you properly. So here's a proper breakfast, "Sean lays the tray on the bed. There's bacon, eggs and toast, juice, coffee and cereal. Benny drools next to the tray so Sean tells him to go down on the floor. Benny obeys but looks so sad that Sean throws him a piece of bacon.
"I'm supposed to eat all of this?" Elijah laughs when he sees the food.
"No, you silly! At least half of this is mine," Sean smirks and snatches a toast right from under Elijah's hand. "But seriously, you have to eat. We have a hard day a head of us."
"What?" Elijah looks confused.
"I need your help today. We have to deliver the table and chairs I finished yesterday. I also need to buy some more lumber, so you'll have to help me carry it."
"Oh, all right," Elijah agrees while eating. "So what did mom want?"
"She just called to ask if you got here all right and stuff like that. Don't worry, I didn't tell her that you seemed a bit grumpy yesterday," Sean smiles." And before you ask, I didn't tell her about Orlando and the guys either."
"Good, thanks," Elijah shrugs his shoulders. "And for your information I'm never grumpy, I'm moody and mysterious."
"Oh really?" Sean hits Elijah with a pillow and gets him to giggle uncontrollably.
They finish the enjoyable breakfast and Elijah gives the leftovers to Benny before he heads to the bathroom.
"Now get dressed and I'll see you outside!" Sean yells at him. "And bring your swimming trunks with you too."

Elijah goes to his room and tries to make the bed but Benny has reclaimed the it so Elijah just dresses. He puts on the trunks, shorts and a white tank top. He puts on his sneakers and sun glasses and runs down. Benny barks and runs after him almost knocking Elijah down the stairs. Sean has already put the trailer behind his car and carried the chairs onto it. Together they carry the table and Sean fastens the furniture tightly so it doesn't fall. Elijah takes Benny back to the house, and the two men are on their way.

"So are you gonna tell me where we're going?"
"Oh right, we are taking the table and the chairs to Miranda and Dave Wenham. I told you a little about Miranda already and Dave's her husband. They are friends of mine and they asked me to make them a new dining room table. This is a perfect way for you to meet them and their son Sam. He's a cute little fellow. Almost as cute as you." Sean brushes Elijah's hair.
Elijah giggles and turns on the radio. The sound of the Beatles fills the car. Elijah puts the volume louder and starts to sing along. Sean can't help but laugh and enjoy Elijah's good mood.

They arrive at a lovely little house and Elijah sees the Wenham family playing outside. They get out of the car and Sean goes ahead to greet the Wenhams. A little red headed boy runs to Sean who picks the kid up and gives him a hug.
"Elijah come say hello!"
Elijah walks up and says hello. He shakes Miranda's and Dave's hands as Sean introduces the couple. Miranda and Dave greet him heartily. Sam on the other hand goes a bit further. He reaches out from Sean's arms and so Elijah takes him into his.
"And that little gremlin is Sam."
Elijah is surprised but happy to find Sam in his arms. He babbles with the boy who gladly laughs at his new friend's joking.
"That's the cutest thing ever!" Miranda giggles and the men laugh. "Sam has never done that before, ever! You must be pretty special."
"Oh he is, believe me, he is," Sean pats Elijah's back. "Dave help me out with the table."
"Sure," Dave agrees as they walk to the car.
Miranda guides Elijah and Sam to the backyard while the men carry the furniture inside. Elijah has a nice chat with Miranda. He finds out that Sam like to draw and play with his dad. He also likes when his mommy reads to him. He also would like to play with Elijah. So Elijah promises to come and play with him sometime.
"I'm sorry, Sam's quite stubborn," Miranda says apologetically. "I completely understand if you don't want to come."
"No, no! I really do wanna come! I love kids!" Elijah laughs as he picks Sam up and spins around with him. "I'm sure I'll find the time."
"Thank you! I appreciate that," Miranda takes Sam from Elijah. "Sam doesn't have many friends around here."

"Elijah seems nice, a bit shy but really nice," Dave says to Sean when they finally come back outside.
"He's great! You should've seen him in the car," Sean smiles. "He was singing the Beatles on the top of his lungs. He may seem shy, but once you get to know him, he's so funny!"
"I'm sure he is. Have you told him?"
"Not yet, but we'll tell him tonight. We're going Charlie's this evening."
"Honey, Sean and Elijah are coming to Charlie's this evening," Dave says to his wife who's coming around the house.
"That's wonderful!" Miranda smiles. "Just the two of you?"
"No, Viggo's coming with us," Dave gives Miranda a smile and a look, Elijah wonders what's that about. "But now we should leave. We're going to get some new lumber and then we're going swimming," Sean explains.
They say their goodbyes and agree to meet later.

"So you seemed to get along great with Sam?" Sean squeezes Elijah's knee in the car.
"Oh yeah! You were right, he is a great kid! I promised we'll go again so I can play with him."
"That's a good idea! You get to to play with someone your own age!" Sean smirks and gets a hit on his shoulder from Elijah.
"Very funny UNCLE Sean," Elijah says emphasizing the word uncle. "Where we going now?"
"We're going to this lumberyard where I always buy my lumber. You'll meet another one of my friends, Karl Urban."
Sean turns on the radio and Elijah closes his eyes to take a little nap.

"There's Karl," Sean points out of the car window when Elijah opens his eyes.
Elijah sees a tall, very muscular, dark haired guy waving at them. He walks up to Sean's window.
"Hey Sean! Good to see you man!" He shakes Sean's hand. "You can park the car at the side door. We can load it better there."
"Thanks! Lij this is Karl Urban," Sean leans back on his seat. "Karl, this is my relative Elijah Wood."
"Hello Elijah! Did you say Wood, how appropriate," Karl smiles. "It's really nice to meet you."
"You, too."
"Lij, you can go inside with Karl," Sean suggests.
"So you like it here?" Karl asks as they walk together.
"Yeah, I've only been here a couple of days, but it's always great to be with Sean."
"And now you're here looking for some hard Wood then?"
"What?" Elijah stops.
"Sorry, I couldn't help myself!" Karl laughs. "After all, we are in a lumberyard."
Elijah can't help but giggle a bit.
"Nice laugh," Karl grins. "You know if you'd work here, you'd have to listen to that kind of jokes day in and day out!"
"I bet that's true!" Elijah agrees. "All you dirty old guys teasing the handsome, young newcomers."
"Hey! Who are you calling old?"
"Oh, you admit you're dirty?"
Elijah couldn't believe he is acting this way. Maybe he is finally letting loose.
"Sean, this kid of yours is really a piece of hard...Wood!" Karl winks at Elijah.
"Well, he's had some education in these last couple of days," Sean laughs and hugs Elijah.
They start to carry Sean's lumber to the car. Karl had measured and sawed it ready so it's easier to transport. It doesn't take them long to get it all in the trailer.
"Tell me Sean, is Elijah seeing anyone?" Karl asks when Elijah goes to get the rest of the lumber.
"Why? Are you interested?" Sean's a bit surprised.
"Aren't you?"
"Karl, I'm with Viggo!"
" You didn't answer my question."
"I think you are a bit late," Sean grins. "Orlando has already beaten you into it. I don't know Elijah's sexual orientation, but he seemed pretty cosy with Orlando's advances yesterday."
"Jesus! Does that guy has a sixth sense, finding all the cute guys before others have a chance?"
Sean laughs and goes to help Elijah.
They pack the lumber and thank Karl.

"Why are we stopping here?" Elijah asks when Sean stops on the main street in town.
"I was thinking of taking the lumber home and getting Benny," Sean gives Elijah some money from his wallet. "I was thinking we could go for a picnic at the lake. You can buy a couple of pizzas and hang out in the town while I go home. Do you like the plan?"
"Yeah! Sounds like a good plan!" Elijah chuckles. "So that's why you said me to take my swimming trunks with me?" He pushes Sean playfully and gets out of the car.
"I'll see you right here...let's say in an hour?" Sean looks at his watch. "Have fun and I'll see you soon!"
"All right Sean, I'll be here!"

Look what we have there! Orlando sees Elijah in the record store. The smaller guy is listening music and looking cute as always. He rushes into the store to meet Elijah. He sneaks behind Elijah as quietly as he can. He puts his hand on Elijah's shoulder and startles him.
"This must be destiny," Orlando leans into Elijah and whispers. "Why else would I run into you the moment I was thinking about you."
Elijah turns around looking a bit scared, but when he sees it's Orlando, he smiles. Orlando smirks that cocky and typical smile all so familiar to Elijah. He grinds himself closer to Elijah's ass and back.
"Now isn't this cosy?"
"Orlando...you...you...big...," Elijah hisses.
"Big, sexy beast?" Orlando whispers. "Aaawww darling, that's not a way to greet me. I'm sure you can do better than that."
Orlando wraps his arm around Elijah, holding the smaller man's arms at his sides.
"Come now Lij, don't cause a scene," Orlando's cheek is against Elijah's. "Besides I know you like this," and to emphasize his words Orlando presses his hips ont Elijah's back.
"So what if I do?" Elijah turns around, looks defiantly and grins. "But seriously, we can't do...this here," He lowers his voice.
"Then we could go somewhere else?" Orlando smirks.
"No seriously...we can't," the younger man pushes the other gently.
"All right, suit yourself," Orlando pouts. "But you won't get away this easily! So what are you doing here? Where's uncle Sean?"
"He went home, but he'll come get me soon. We're going to go for a swim," Elijah smiles and hopes he doesn't sound like a little kid.
"Cool! Can I come too?"
"I don't know...I have a feeling Sean liked it to be just the two of us," Elijah sighs, but in fact he's not sure if he is ready to spend time with Orlando.
The other guy is so forward and moving pretty fast.
"Oh, he has something he wants to tell you," Orlando looks very knowledgeable and secretive.
"You think?" Elijah looks at him firmly.
"Well I'm only guessing," Orlando smiles. "It's really between you two. You two seem close, I'm sure he will tell you if something's bothering him."
Now Elijah becomes curious. There's been lots of insinuations about something going on between Orlando and Sean. They obviously know more about each other than neither has yet told Elijah.
"Hey I'm suppose to go into the pizzeria to get us some lunch," Elijah tries to look like Orlando's words don't bother him. "So...?"
"So what? You want me to come with you? To hold your hand? Pizzeria can be a scary place for a guy like you!" Orlando laughs.
"Ha ha, very funny!" Elijah punches Orlando's shoulder.
"Ouch! You're so strong!" Another heartfelt laugh. "Ok little one, I'll show where the pizzeria is!"

They walk down the street hands brushing together, fingers touching softly, gently, deliberately. Orlando holds the door for Elijah when they walk in putting his hand on Elijah's back.
They stand in line and Elijah makes the order.
"You want me to wait with you in this scary place?" Orlando whispers.
Elijah just grins and sits down on one of the stools.
"So tonight's the big night?" Orlando sighs and sits next to him.
"What do you mean?"
"The threesome with Sean and Viggo," Orlando winks.
"It's just a dinner," Elijah laughs and waves his hand. "Sean just wants me to know his friend."
Elijah's sure Orlando makes an awkward laughing sound, but doesn't say anything. There it is again, some sort of hint, like there's something more in that friendship between Sean and Viggo. Elijah shakes the thoughts and turns to look into the kitchen where his order is being made.

"Here you go!" The girl hands the pizzas and the change.
"Thank you!" Elijah smiles.
"I can take those," Orlando takes the pizzas while Elijah puts the money into his pocket. "So you like pepperoni on your pizza? You're my kind of guy then," he winks and pats Elijah's ass when they walk out.
No sign of Sean.
"He's not here yet," Elijah looks at Orlando. "Lets sit over there."
The boys take seats outside the pizzeria. Side by side they sit and Orlando just looks at Elijah. He is so beautiful! I could just kiss and ravish him right here in front of everyone!
"What?" Elijah giggles awkwardly when he catches Orlando looking at him.
"I was just thinking about something...," Orlando smiles and brushes his fingers across Elijah's forehead.
"Elijah! Over here!" Sean's voice and car's horn stops the boys.
Sean parks the car in front of them.
Shit! I was just getting somewhere! Orlando looks at Elijah.
"Well...we have to continue this some other time..."
He opens the door for the smaller boy.
"Sean, hello. Always a pleasure," he smirks at Elijah's uncle.
"Orli," Sean grins. "You're all set?" He looks at Elijah.
"Yes," Elijah's buckled up. "I'll see you later," he turns to Orlando.
"You bet pretty one," Orlando whispers and strokes Elijah's cheek quickly before Sean drives off.

They arrive at the beach and Benny's very anxious on the backseat. He tried desperately to reach for the pizzas, but Elijah managed to keep him away. Benny tries to make Elijah drop the pizzas by jumping against him, but when Sean tells him to stop. He calms down and lies under the picnic table by the trees.
Elijah goes for a swim before he eats. The water is warm and very enjoyable. Elijah tries to think of anything else but Orlando, but the brown eyes are on his mind every time he closes his eyes, Orlando's hand on his back, voice in his ears. There's no use, Orlando is deep under Elijah's skin.
They eat their pizzas with laughter and chatting, give the left-over to Benny who's panting under the table in the shade. Sean seems happy and Elijah is happier. Benny looks the happiest jumping around trying to catch butterflies. Sean laughs so hard that tears are falling down his cheeks. Benny's not a puppy anymore, but he acts like one.
It's getting late so they head back home to get ready for the dinner.

"Is that what you're going to wear?" Sean asks when he peeks into Elijah's room.
Elijah is wearing a button-down shirt and jeans.
"Yes, why?" Elijah looks puzzled.
"You're a young guy not a business man," Sean shakes his head and goes to his room. "I have something for you...try this!"
He tosses a little bundle to Elijah and sits on his bed.
"Go ahead put it on!"
Elijah takes off the shirt and t-shirt. He straightens the bundle.
"This is too small!" Elijah chuckles. "What is this? A kid's shirt!"
Elijah holds up the shirt. It has a picture of Donald Duck in front and the sleeves are cut off.
"No it's not a kid's shirt! Put it on!" Sean laughs.
"Fine," now it's Elijah's turn to shakes his head. "Where did you get this anyway?"
The shirt fits perfectly, it's snug put a perfect fit. Sean smiles. Elijah looks really good. He walks closer and ruffles the boy's hair.
"Now you look like a guy going out!"
"You didn't answer my question," Elijah whispers.
"The shirt belonged to an old friend," Sean smiles a bit.
"Oh ok," Elijah knows not to pry, Sean will tell when he wants to.

"Hey guys! Sean! Elijah! Are you in here!"
"It's Viggo," Sean smiles when we hear the voice from downstairs. "We're up here, will be right down!"
"All right, the door was open," Viggo answers. "I'll go back to the car to wait for you!"
"Good!" Sean laughs.
Elijah's about to go when Sean grabs his wrist.
"Sit...please," Sean looks serious. "There's something I want to tell you before we go."
Elijah sits next to Sean. His uncle looks very serious.
"I talked with Viggo on the phone earlier today and we decided it's time you know..."
"Know what?" Elijah puts his hand on Sean's arm.
"Well I've told you that Viggo and I are friends, close friends," Sean takes a very obvious deep breath. "Actually we are more than friends...Lij, Viggo is my boyfriend."
What? What? What? Viggo is what? Elijah stares at Sean, then the wall, then Sean, then he stands up.
"You and Viggo? Boyfriends? As in..."
"Yes Lij, I'm gay," Sean stands up and puts his hand on Elijah's shoulder.

Crossposted at orli_slash, cute_boy_slash and rinnuninnu!
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