Apr 05, 2005 02:30
i really am. damn. i think i have food poisoning. i can't sleep. i threw up once at about 11-1130...that was bad. and i know i was dehydrated due to other bodily functions that were not in harmony with me, so i've been drinking water since then, sipping water, like you're supposed to ( i know because i read it at the mayo-clinic website ) and just as i was about to actually lull off to sleep, i feel the urge to throw up again, and i did. so all that work to hydrate myself didn't work. i'm kinda scared because i don't want to have to go to a doctor or the hospital for this, because i'm not at home, and i don't know a doctor out here. so i think i'm going to be up a while. trying to keep some water down. damn i hate this. i haven't been sick in so long. and this isn't even a sickness, there are no tissues or coughs involved. this f-er went straight for the kill. i'm so tired, but i don't want to go to sleep dehydrated. so i shall be up for a while yet...good thing i don't have much homework tomorrow, i anticipate a very late wake up to accomodate for this very late night.
damn you panera bread. if this is a result of the turkey bacon bravo sandwich that you served me today, i will never forgive you.
see what happens when i pick where we eat??? hahaha, just kidding.
man...this sucks.