day trip to New York! OWW!!!!

May 28, 2004 20:59


Look Aimee! I'm actually posting an entry!
I really wanted to spend some time with Jana before we graduated because...who knows what will happen in the future. I just hope that we will be able to keep in touch. Jana had never been to New York before. Normally I would be anti-tourist (I was SET on seeing a peep show, come on now) but Jana really wanted to do sight seeing, so I agreed to go along with whatever she wanted to do. I actually ended up having a great time.
so first we went on this boat tour....

Our tour guide was this old man who was barely breathing. I was afraid he was going to die in mid-sentence.

Then we walked over to where the world trade center once was. We couldn't really see much. We came up with this brilliant idea to sneak into the Hilton (which was right across from it) and go up to the top floor. We took the elevator to the top floor -55- giggling and frantically running around searching for a window (um, could we be any more conspicuous??) So then a man (working there) stopped us and asked us what we were doing. We explained that we were simply attempting to find a better view and then he said "Come in here..." and unlocked the door to one of the rooms. Luckily he wasn't a mass murderer because us three naive college girls followed him into what was the presidential suite! It was beautiful, with huge windows and a great view.

this is where the trade center once stood.

This is Ivan and Theo looking out the window and talking about 9/11. Ivan was telling us that he was working here when it happened and he watched all the people jumping out of their windows. I can't even imagine... He said that all of the glass broke on these Hilton windows.

After repeatedly thanking Ivan for letting us into the suite, we headed back down the elevator. That was a traumatizing experience all in itself. The elevator kept making this whistling noise and we shot down to the first floor at an outrageous speed, making our ears pop. CHRIST! This is Jana and Theo expressing their pain.

Then we took the train to visit Theo's friend Blane.

say what?

Blane and Theo were originally dancing in his apartment but stopped to pose for my camera. We decided to take a stroll down to Central park....

This is Blane in his pink shirt...carrying Theo's purse. I thought that was so sweet. I also love fags.

We walked around and talked to strangers, pet dogs and ate lunch together on the grass. Chleo was my favorite dog that we met that day. haha she had random salt and pepper hairs spiked out all over & long old man eyebrows! She was just chillin there with her eyes closed and let me pet her forever. sooo cute!

just being special.

Notice the pink-blue-pink-blue set up with our shirts? Yes, we arranged it that way.
word to the nerd.


This was my favorite person that we talked to. He was from New Zealand and was really cute and I wanted to BONE HIM simply because he had an accent.

I can't really explain what is going on here....


And that's Jess sleeping on the bus...and her super CUTE shoes.

There was a lot more pictures but I figure that's enough for now. I had so much fun on this trip and the weather was perfect for walking outside. YEAH tourist!
I have more pictures of this past week that I will eventually post but I have to get up early tomorrow for work.
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