IM wearing a SKIRT :-D

Jul 22, 2005 16:44

Im wearing a skirt today.It's TinkerBell.Yumm.Thursday at the square wasssss..bland.Fun but embaressing in a chaz thank you very much kind of way for telling BLAH !Should I be?Yeah look at me.Anyway,TATS I didn't even talk to the person ^^^ I wanted to but I guess that's okay.HOW HARD can it be to just go talk to a person and get to know them?!?!Im such an idiot.:-(

AGH.No more negetivity!Summer school is excelent.I see Sic and Fiz everyday.

Alessa here. I have a nice to do list this summer.First i shall father some of daves children.Then sexualy 'molest' kati.After that i suppose i shall dress kati up like a gnome and parade her around downtown asking people if they want to touch her pointy hat.

BACK TO KATI NOW>>>I cant wait till next thursday.

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