Beruthiel's Writings: Masterlist

Jul 09, 2006 01:35

Mostly for the benefit of my crap memory, I've decided to post a list of all my fics and drabbles, organized by fandom.

All are rated PG or lower, unless otherwise noted.

Stories with no links provided are either unfinished, or still just floating around in my head, but will be written and posted eventually.

The Lord of the Rings/The Silmarillion

All of these can also be found on my Author Page at Stories of Arda.

Dribs and Drabbles
Short works, including the following:
The Darkening - Fëanor drabble
Our Love is Ours Alone - Fëanor/Nerdanel drabble
Senses - 3 Pippin drabbles
Those Queer Brandybucks - Young Frodo and Merry ficlet

Why Must This Be?
Bilbo watches the Fellowship leave Rivendell.

Talking to Strangers
Pippin gives and receives comfort on the eve of battle.

Hell Hath No Fury...
Faramir Took will never cross Goldi Gamgee again. May never be finished, because I can't figure out how to end the damn thing.

Family Treasure
A beloved heirloom passes through many hands. About half done.

AU. Sequel to a work by another author.

Pippin is hearing things ... or is he? About one third done.

2 more drabbles to go. They're giving me trouble at the moment.

Harry Potter

The Dead Are Watching
Drabble. Percy Weasley after hours.

Drabble. Andromeda's mother grieves.

An encounter between a Death Eater and a Muggle.

Life: The First Great Adventure
Albus Dumbledore, in fifty sentences.

A Place for Everyone and Everyone in Their Place
How Ted Tonks and Andromeda Black first met.

Family History Series
Ted and Andromeda's pre-Hogwarts backstories. Probably 3 parts.

Furry Little Problem
Reactions to Professor Lupin being outed as a werewolf. Written for hp_summergen.

Theodore Nott's backstory, going all the way back to his father's early childhood.
I've taken 2 remarks J. K. Rowling made somewhere and run with them.

Seven Millicent Bulstrode fics.

The Alternate Life and Times of Peter Pettigrew
AU, in which Remus kills Snape during the infamous prank.

Narnia crossover.

Eileen Prince's life story, in short snippets.
Part 1 - 1931
Part 2 - 1940
Part 3 - 1942
Part 4 - 1943
Part 5 - 1945
Part 6 - 1948
Part 7 - 1958
Part 8 - 1959
Part 9 - 1963
Part 10 - 1967
Part 11 - 1976

Title here
Written for springtime_gen.


To Read or Not To Read
Drabble. Claire after "Homecoming".

True Feelings
Drabble. Charlie during "Raised by Another".

Criminal Minds

Family, True and False
Morgan and Garcia help Reid deal with the aftermath of Memoriam.


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