((Otherwise known as “Warlock and Death Knight discuss Things.” Long RP log under the cut between Traejan and Kirenestus. I have Traejan’s permission to post them. Really, you should read it, it’s awesome.))
Traejan ‘s drake landed surprisingly softly, though with a clatter of bone and tendon nonetheless, huffing a cold breath as it folded its wings. He dismounted, the beast taking off to perch elsewhere only to leave the Knight and his ghoul behind.
Kirenestus stands next to his wrathguard, a letter in one hand. Every once in a while, the wrathguard says something in an annoyed tone in demonic, which the warlock responds to in the same tongue. When he hears the drake take off again, Kirenestus | though, Kiren motions for silence and turns to face the death knight. “You sent me a letter, Traejan. I believe you wanted to speak.”
Traejan nodded, though his lips were pressed into a thin line. “Indeed, though I will say I am in a better frame of mind to discuss matters now than I did when I originally sent it..”
Kirenestus mutters something in demonic to the demon, and it laughs. He reaches up to take his mask off and gives Traejan a scornful look. “I would hope so. The letter’s wording was…ill thought out.”
Traejan glanced between the warlock and the demon, unable to -quite- mask his displeasure at the demon’s amusement. “I’m not here to apologize for it, if that’s what you’re thinking. As to the wording, not much thought actually went into it at the time. Few of those letters actually manage to be sent..”
Kirenestus raises an eyebrow at Traejan. “If I wrote something as needlessly combative and sloppily insulting as that, I would apologize for wasting someone’s time. I suppose you aren’t of the same frame of mind. Whatever.” He crumpled the letter in one fist. Care to explain what you wrote?”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] Actually, if I recall correctly I didn’t finish that statement but that’s a moot point. My issue at the time was the matter of certain job offers that were made. You, of course, know I how feel about warlocks.
Traejan looked disapprovingly at the demon again.
Kirenestus just smirks and looks over at the demon, then back at Traejan. “Yes, yes. Go on.”
Traejan obviously continued to not care for whatever inside joke being shared between master and minion. “I just so happen to be related to one. Though thankfully she does not parade her demons about as you do, though she is fond of the study..”
Kirenestus rolls his eyes. “Another one? Or are you talking about Tarin?” He crosses his arms and moves closer to Traejan. “Is there some reason you have a pathological inability to get to the point, or am I just lucky tonight? Because so far, you’ve done a wonderful job of adding to your letter’s insults.”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] Insults? Honestly I don’t remember. But yes, Tarin. And my point is my concern for her, if indeed you intend to employ her. It is not something I wish to encourage. I would sooner work for you than have her addicted to your practices again.
Kirenestus covers his face with one gloved hand and shakes his head. “What? Do you think I’m after your sister’s soul? Perhaps her body? Is this what this is about?”
Traejan looked deadpan at Kirenestus as he spoke. “She doesn’t breed. But her soul.. I wouldn’t know. What is it you want? You keep some amount of control over your Knights, after all.”
Kirenestus raises both eyebrows. “You really are that dumb, aren’t you?” The demon beside him said something in a snide tone in demonic, and Kiren fought back a smile. “As it happens, neither require any sort of extra incentive to serve me. Neither does the Magister I work with and the…priest I keep in contact with. They are paid well and actually believe in what I’m doing. I’ll leave the bullying tactics to your former master.”
Traejan sneered, but quickly reined in his annoyance. “It is not dumb to be quite wary of your kind. Considering my own personal experience, it is all very well-placed.”
Kirenestus says: [Thalassian] Your own personal experience? And what was that? When your sister was bullied out of studies she enjoyed by a man you knew damn well was a bully, even then? Or when he finally tossed you aside like last week’s garbage, with a note to drive that dagger of betrayal just a little deeper?”
Traejan ‘s ears pinned back, hands tightening into fists to avoid reaching for his weapons. “Years ago a close friend nearly died by orcish warlocks. When reunited with my sister she did not utilize the Fel as power, it ruled her. If the bullying -scum- did any bit of good it was leading her to believe her talents were better to aid the undead. She is everything worrisome about warlocks; when their magic rules them. Do you -enjoy- dredging up the unpleasant past?”
Kirenestus sneered. “It ruled her because she was still a -student- without a proper teacher. Every student, no matter their area of study, will be overwhelmed when attempting things out of their league.” Kirenestus glowered. “And if you think Nikkitah is the worst betrayal in your past, you’ve been living in a more pleasant world than the rest of us, -death knight-.”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] Obviously you are just itching to share how terribly you were betrayed. Oh, do share.
Kirenestus just sneered and crumpled the letter in his hand further. He tossed it towards Traejan, igniting it in the air. “Idiot.”
Traejan seemed rather unimpressed, raising a brow. “Might you be referring to something within what is -technically- our shared history, though missing the point where I personally was not around for most of that?”
Kirenestus says: [Thalassian] Back on topic, idiot. I have yet to hear a real demand from you, just vague posturing and insults. What. Do. You. Want?
Traejan sighed. “And here I thought -I- was the one making the insults, but really I’ve simply asked you questions. Regardless, my issue is with you, your minions, and Tarin. She is easily lead. She has a desire to assist and I do not know you well enough to believe you wouldn’t exploit that for your own projects.”
Kirenestus raised an eyebrow. “I believe the entire point of her working with me would be to get her help with some of my projects. Do you think I’m constantly kidnapping children to sacrifice to an elder god, or something?”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] I don’t know -what- you do. You’ve always been vague. But you send her texts on demonic topics. You’d have her drinking Fel again if she could decode something for you..
Kirenestus says: [Thalassian] I’d teach her to control her -obvious- talent, if she wished. But that’s neither here nor there. I have been fairly specific about my work, in the tome. I work for the Reliquary, finding and researching ancient texts and artifacts.
Traejan says: [Thalassian] Which leads one to wonder why you employ who you do. A Knight gifted in plague and alchemy. You asked me to assist you and my specialization is engineering. Do you need something set ablaze? Mind controlled? Blasted with shadow magic of some sort?
Traejan says: [Thalassian] Books needing to be read? Those would be my sister’s talents.
Kirenestus says: [Thalassian] I employ a death knight skilled in plague and alchemy because he also works for the Reliquary. Didn’t he tell you? He worked with them while under Nikkitah’s thumb. The other death knight is skilled at deciphering runes, and was long before his death. The rest of the talents I collect are useful to my work, as well.
Traejan says: [Thalassian] Explosives?
Kirenestus says: [Thalassian] Are used to remove obstacles at dig sites. Boulders. Walls. The occasional Alliance camp.
Traejan nodded slowly. “It’s actually a careful art. I’ve perfected a sort that is much less incendiary while still being devastating. Small bits of shrapnel effectively shred anything meaty nearby. It’s really quite-” He cleared his throat, frowning.
Traejan says: [Thalassian] What talents would my sister offer. She is not a child, as you implied, but I still make it a point to see to her well-being.
Kirenestus says: [Thalassian] Another eye, besides my own, to conduct research. One who both understands and can actually perform some of the magic alluded to in the texts, unlike Aegnas, who was rendered…unable to help in that regard.
Traejan frowned, crossing his arms. “… I’ll allow it. But if I find you’ve been having little get togethers in Shadowmoon Valley you’ll have to answer to me. You couldn’t be a proper necromancer or something could you. No.. a -warlock-.”
Kirenestus laughs. “We will go where my work takes me. Is there something in Shadowmoon Valley I should know about? A dead night elf and dying demons, perhaps? A few sad remnants of a war I fought to end?”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] A hell of a lot of Fel.
Kirenestus gives Traejan a mock shocked look. He even clasps his hands over his cheeks and looks over at his demon. “Did you know there was Fel in Shadowmoon Valley? I didn’t!” The demon laughs. Kiren waves the demon away and it disappears. Kirenestus then summons another demon, then carefully replaces the mask over his head. He looks to the imp. “Attack me. Two fel firebolts, please.” The demon looks confused at stares between Kiren and Trae.
Traejan scowled, again looking distinctly irritated and on the brink of reaching for his blades. But he was good, gripping the armour coating his arms. “I do not understand why my aversion to Fel amuses you so..” He eyed the imp with disdain.
Kirenestus just holds a hand up to silence Traejan, and takes a few steps back. He again looks to the imp. “Attack me. Two fel firebolts. I won’t ask again, creature.” The demon grumbled to itself and cast both felbolts. Both splashed off the robe, leaving slight scorch marks, but little else. “I enchanted the robe to resist the effects of Fel magic. I’m not so stupid as to expose myself to it needlessly. I have no desire to end up like those worthless fools that followed Kael’thas.”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] … A robe. You expect a robe to stave off the craving?
Kirenestus says: [Thalassian] I expect it to do its job, keep the stuff off of me. An iron will staves off craving. Nothing else.
Traejan says: [Thalassian] The permission.. blessing.. however you wish to quantify it is not an admission of -trust-. I will simply not hinder your work unless I feel it is a detriment to her.
Kirenestus nods. “Very well.” He laughs softly. “One day you’ll have to tell her you don’t trust her not to go on a demon’s blood binge. I want to see her face when she realizes you do this because you think she’s weak…or disgusting.”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] Nonsense. It is only because I wish to -protect- her. But believe whatever you wish.
Kirenestus nods. “Protect her. Of course.” He waves away the demon and crosses his arms. “You know, nothing stops you from working with me and watching her.”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] … I am picky regarding those whom I work for. I will not be your puppet.
Kirenestus says: [Thalassian] We already went over that. Those that work for me are well paid and work willingly.
Traejan says: [Thalassian] It bears repeating.
Kirenestus laughs. “I don’t need legions of mindless followers. There are plenty of people willing to work with me willingly. And I believe Thistle proves admirably why mindless followers are trying on the nerves.”
Traejan shrugged. “Noted. Though that one is not as mindless as you would think any longer. But as to the work.. I am no expert. I admittedly have only the barest understanding of our own history. Written accounts. But I can provide you your explosives..”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] … And organizing. In detail.
Kirenestus laughs. “That will do. And who knows, perhaps if you stick around, you’ll learn more about our history.”
Traejan nodded. “It is not something I am particularly proud of, but it cannot be helped. Books are purely informational. And if you are unaware my habits resemble those of Solandis, but I am far more discreet.”
Kirenestus nods. “That is all I ask. I only take personal offense when Magisters make my life difficult.”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] I can appreciate his.. enthusiasm.. but I do not see the point in drawing unnecessary attention to myself. It makes the hunt rather difficult.
Kirenestus says: [Thalassian] A necromancer had a little too much fun with that one’s mind. Aegnas is far more discreet, and deadly, than Solandis.
Traejan says: [Thalassian] I don’t know either of them very well, actually, only that in general Solandis and I have found ourselves in agreement more than myself and Aegnas. But I believe since Blightheart we are now all able to coexist well enough.
Kirenestus nods. “I know most of what happened with Blightheart. Solandis told me. I doubt any of you were capable of behaving at your best under that brat.”
Traejan nodded. “All things were wrong under him. We were like beaten animals, willing to lash out at anything or anyone including each other..” He paused. “… And you know, but you do not judge..”
Kirenestus reaches up to pull his mask off and stares at Traejan for a moment. “I was a …Scryer, during the war in Outland. I know about searching for purpose when something you believed in was taken away.” He shrugs. “As long as Magisters don’t bother me about it.”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] Fair enough. That, at least, I can respect. But I cannot promise that any demons that get in the way won’t get stabbed..
Kirenestus shrugs. “So stab them. It won’t kill them.”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] … Yes, as I recall you demonstrating. Wonderful thing, that. I’ll be sure to take advantage of it.
Kirenestus laughs. “Very well. Is there anything else?”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] Nothing in particular I can think of. I.. admittedly did not expect that I would accept your previous offer when I came to meet you, only negotiate for Tarin, but I suppose I feel better knowing I will be able to keep an eye on her. I am sure you will be keeping in touch with us both.
Kirenestus says: [Thalassian] Of course. I have Aegnas helping me to translate Mogu relics in the Kun-Lai Summit, but I’ll probably need more people there to help, eventually. The Mogu are…less than eager to allow my research, but they do -interesting- things with what looks like some kind of necromancy.
Traejan nodded, a spark of interest in his expression. “So I have noticed. If I have expertise in anything, it is necromancy and unholy magics though the mogu’s techniques are things are of course foreign. I can assist with both subduing them as well as make some attempt at making sense of it all.”
Kirenestus says: [Thalassian] That’s good, because my own studies into necromancy are not as comprehensive as I’d like…more theoretical than practical. And the only necromancer of any real skill I know is, unfortunately, still trying to extract himself from the Cult of the Damned.
Traejan says: [Thalassian] My knowledge is fairly specific to constructs, but the mogu obviously use a variation of that to animate their granite statues. It will be valuable information to learn.
Kirenestus smiles. “Yes, I think so. Those portals they use, too, may prove useful. I’ve only ever seen demons use those.”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] Indeed.. it is a very interesting combination of skills, tapping into both forms of magic without the interference of demons or the undead as we know them. I see your interest; it could change everything.
Kirenestus says: [Thalassian] Yes, it could. But, enough! It’s getting late. I need to go check on a few things before I retire for the night. I’ll be in touch.
Traejan nodded. “As usual, it slips my mind that the living require rest eventually. You obviously know how to reach myself and Tarin.”
Kirenestus nods and slips his mask back on. “Truthfully, I just dislike dealing with orcs on no sleep. I’ll contact you through the tome soon.”
Traejan says: [Thalassian] Alright. I wish you luck with the orcs, being unreasonable brutes and all.
Kirenestus laughs. “My secret is to wear priest clothing and keep the demon out of sight.” He summons his dreadsteed and mounts, then says. “Until later, Traejan.”
Traejan nodded, giving a short wave in farewell. “Later.”