May 22, 2009 16:36
Right now i'm reading Audrey Niffenegger's A Time Traveller's wife. Part of me feels a tad bit guilty for leaving mikee out in the cold a while back. After she had so affectionately posted that i had inspired her. Well, i'm just not out for talking right now. I'm very selfish. She's just doing that coz she has no one else to talk to right now. And talking to her might be a good idea. OK fine, so that means i'll talk to her, later.
I'm also reading Nick Hornby's A Long Way down and E.B. White's Charlotte's Web. Both of which are a tad bit boring so i stopped reading a while. But i will most definitely resume soon. So this is what i would call "trying to make the most of my time" this summer. Clearly, it's not much. Whilst i read this book or write this, i feel like i should be doing something more worthwhile, like bonding with my sisters, or my lone cousin from my mother's side, or maybe calling Trixie up. BUt i never get the nerve to. I just sit here, in front of my mom's new laptop, one i've used infinitely more times that she has :), and i just watch nicole kidman, or catherine zeta-jones, or john lloyd cruz on youtube or wherever. Yeah, i'm a lame-ass loser like that. I even turned down agie's invitation to play badminton with her because it's so darn warm here in this part of the planet, and i just don't want to sweat anymore. In general, i don't like getting sweaty or dirty after i've taken my shower for the day. That's why i do all the cleaning and the playing badminton before i take a shower. That usually means taking a shower in the afternoon, a very welcome retreat after a long and tiring day, but today i'm not able to do that because of reports that our water supply will be cut for a while for maintenance. So hence, i sit here, idle in front of my mom's computer. Trying to sound smart as i write about my mundane existence.
All i'm trying to say is, I'm supposed to be living. LIVING. Well, i will. I am.