ok this livejournal is really really gay and i hate it! I can't believe u like these journals Azine! AHHH! xanga is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy BETTER! everyone check my xanga out! WHOOP WHOOOP!
http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=chcheckitout77 go to my xanga! it's freakin awesome!
here's a pic of me and andrew at the homecoming football game that Hamilton LOST! AHH!
Then here's one of me and Azine! haha she's so cute! my sophmore friend whose younger than me by 9 days! haha <3 ohh and BTW she took this picture with her digital camera which she broke! hahah!!!
haha and Azein also took this one of that day! it's of Keith! haha he's so cute! <3! keith ur my best friend!
haha i have alot more pictures but i gotta go so yea! later!