College life so far...

Aug 25, 2006 05:38

I love Berkeley!!!

Even though classes haven't actually started yet, I'm beginning to feel like I really belong here. By now, I'm almost able to find my way around campus without a map, and I'm meeting lots of awesome new people. :-) My dorm is really cool ~ at first I was a little skeptical of the whole sharing-a-bathroom-with-30-someodd-people thing, but I've found that it really isn't that bad... Granted, people have already been caught having sex in the shower, and several of my floormates have thrown up after a night of partying, but other than that all seems to be fine! :-P Seriously though, it's not that floor is really quiet compared to some other floors. There's almost never more than like one person walking around in the hall at once, and I've never had to wait in line for a bathroom stall or a shower. Having a coed floor and bathroom was kind of funny the first couple of days, but now I'm pretty much used to it.

Caltopia was today, and I got a bunch of free samples and stuff for my dorm, like tons of pens, magnets, mini dry-erase boards & markers,!! :-P hehe. It was really fun. I went with my new friend Chris, who's also a floormate of mine. He's super nice, and was actually in PYO, but we didn't really know each other then. Anyway, all is going well in my book. :-)

Tina's on a scholarship retreat from this morning until Saturday night, but I'm going home from Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon anyway, so I'm only really alone for one day. I'm planning to teach clarinet most Sunday afternoons at home to make some spending money, so that should be fun. Oh, and I'm auditioning for the Cal Symphony on Monday...wish me luck!! If I don't make it this semester, no worries - I'll just audition again next time and join a chamber group until then. Either way, I'm going to keep up my clarineting for sure. :-) I enjoy it too much to give it up now.

Sonia ~ I finished reading it today. :-) It's sooo good!! I'll bring it sometime this weekend. Can't wait to see you again!

Well, that's all I can think of for now. Warm wishes to everyone back at home!!
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