Feb 22, 2007 21:17

Oh, what a fun day that was.

Lauren got her N, so we had a celebratory photo shoot (equipped with sparkly makeup and a tutu ^ ^), and we decide to take the pictures in my backyard, since it was nice out. Just as we're setting up for the very first shot, she looks down at her foot and goes, "Did I just step in... SHIT!" Turns out she stepped in dog poo, courtesy of Joey XP. It was not nice for Lauren; hilarious for Quinn, though.

Aren't they pretty? I thought so too.

So I was at the school today for twelve hours. OMGWTF?! Why do I do this? First, we have to tech for the Open House (all the dances, etc). Then we set up for theatre sports. I haven't played those in sooo long, so I was a little rusty. It was still fun, doing Rumpelstiltskin in two mintutes.

"Shmeep boperia, where the shmoodles are half price!"

After the theatre sports, we got to perform some dances. First, it was the modern with the white masks. Ooer, it was so vair vair creepy. When we revealed the masks, the audience was like, *gasp*! It was so cool. Then I had to run backstage and get ready for my movement piece, which was well received. I had to stay and watch Kyla's movement piece after mine, it's so pretty. She does this part where she's popping and locking her whole body, and it is sooo nifty. Then, it was the Pufftage! There are no words to describe the Pufftage, it just is what it is.

After dance, we did our grade twelve presentation, "Speak Truth To Power," which is pretty much intense. I lurve it, and I hope the little grade sevens and their parents weren't too afraid.

Then, since I promised my principals, I had to speak as a student rep on behalf of Garibaldi. I don't know why they pick me to do these things, I always end up making a fool of myself. This time it wasn't so bad, I had some time to think about what I was going to say, and I had lotsa support ^ ^. I don't know why I dislike public speaking so much, I used to do it for awards in elementary school. It's so akward now!

So, who else is tired of writing their autobiography? Hands up! Yeah, our writing teacher's making us write everything we can remember, from the time we were born up to now. OK, so if we can't write our own story, we can't write anyone else's? Bull shit. I think she's just being a nosy parker, but oh well. I decided to make mine a comic strip :D. It's taking a friggen' long time to do, but once it is done, it'll be glorious. Our teacher can stuff it.

Speaking of which, I think I'm going to go work on that right now! Hopefully I can get to at least the end of Summer 05 by tonight. I'm away laughing on a fast camel,

- Maddy xoxo

PPS. We love you Lauren XD.
PPPS. I actually did add up my dance hours. It came to 10,590. Yeah...
PPPPS. It actually went past the ten thousand mark!!! WTF!?

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