"Shut up, I'll put it in your mouth!"

Feb 05, 2007 17:41

So Canadian Idol was pretty much a bust.

Totally got kicked out in the first round. W00t. Yeah, same judge as last year. Bitch. Haha, kidding. I guess I'm just one of the rejects, is all. At least we met a couple of really cool people there. Two guys from Smithers, BC (don't worry if you don't know where the hell that is, I don't either XD), Jesse and Danny. They are two of the raddest guys I've ever randomly met, no joke. Small town boys always are ^ ^. So we chilled with them all day from the time we got there (8:30) till the time we left (5:00). Lucky for Danny, he got a yellow ticket to the second round. Still waiting on whether or not he ever got to the celebrity round. Vair vair rad people.

After Canadian Idol I met up with Ona to go to the Barenaked Ladies concert! That was pretty much AWeSOME. I probably don't need to tell you this, but they are hilarious live. They made up an entire song, on the spot, about the bald men on their crew. Bloody fantastic. If you ever get the opportunity to see them live, take it!

The next day was pretty hectic. I was supposed to go to this ballet workshop taught by Evelyn Hart (!), but I slept in and missed my class. I woke up around 11:30 and almost died because I was so upset. Eventually (with MUCH difficulty), I got mum to drive me to Shadbolt and take the grade 5/6 class instead, which was just as excellent. I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to meet Evelyn (for those that don't know who she is, she is a famous ballerina who's travelled the world and is v. famous in the ballet world). She is much shorter in person, though. And stick thin too! My word, her little knit shorts were practically falling off of her! What a character, so many funny analogies! At the end of the day I got her to sign a poster for me, and she was so nice about it, too.

I wish I could've stuck around for the Checcetti Awards, but I had to get home to eat and do some homework before heading off to the ballet, Amadeus. It's a new one, by the Atlantic Ballet Company. My friends that went (that aren't dancers) loved it, but when I've been dancing for over ten years, it didn't quite hit the mark for me. Sure, the dancers were lovely and proffesional, but the choreography wasn't all that great, and they could've done with some more rehearsal. I guess I have to rent the movie now, since I couldn't really follow the story. The man playing Mozart had exquisite quadruple pirouettes. I am v. jealous. The stupid thing was, they had no programs! What the g? Seriously, a synopsis would've really helped.

In short, the weekend made me sore (a: because of standing and walking for eight hours b: dancing for almost two hours straight for a madwoman and c: wearing crazy-high heels to the ballet), and I didn't get much rest at all, actually. Damn!

Guess who I met today though? I'll give you a hint: he's really gorgey, and play bass for Hedley.


Seriously, it was so crazy! Our songwriting class talked to him for two hours about music and the biz, like, normal conversation with the guy! By the end of it I couldn't contain my LG-ness, and had to get a picture with him and steal a hug XD. It was so funny how he just went into autograph-and-picture mode. I don't blame him. After about a million autographs, I'd be annoyed too. The best part was that I got to sing for him. Me, little small-town Maddy, got to sing for the awesomeness that is Tom. I'm betting it's the apocalypse. Anyways, so I sang one of the songs I've written, and Ryan played guitar. I couldn't get my nose out of my journal, I was so nervous. Afterwards he said it was awesome, so I was pretty ecstatic. And he's coming out to see The Latency's show tomorrow! Stead, you are one lucky man. Pretty much one of the best days so far this year.

Right, so now it's back to the real world. Can't wait to go grad dress shopping Saturday. I'm away laughing on a fast camel!

- Maddy xoxo

PPS. He signed my song journal XD.

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