it's been a long and cold december, the thaw should come soon...

Sep 06, 2009 11:12

  Years pass as if they were an entity of their own. Walking quick as they can to six feet under and not one man can stop the years now, they are on a mission. To pass time, and destroy what fictitious sense of accomplishment or security has bestowed itself upon this holy damnation called life. So long story short, time flies.
     Love, the topic so central to the nerves of the insecure and unsure self of previous writings, has come and gone. The skin story and sinister simplicity of it all... pain came again and then again... but scar tissue on the heart improves upon the sensitive self of sliding years. Nay I say to bed sheet play and hazy mornings. Nay
     ~my how time flies when you loose your sun
    My dog feeling the primordial nature, and like her owner so suspicious of her own kind. Rise into the red she did, ripping flesh from flesh (i taught her better) she went from the beautiful and dainty pup to a vicious and suspicious... wont life become easier? What a heavy deal... the only love I wish to have returned is that toward Layla.
   (to speak of the innocent and bloody, the sweet and scarred, was the beatific white lab named Tipper. "Child" of George, a character strange enough for fiction).

~What will I do now?
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