Feb 20, 2005 20:29
well be carefull not to fall out of your seats kids, i actually have real events to post.
i got to go to Alvin Alley dance preformances... twice! last night i went and sat in KK-22 and they were quite the seats. amazing show and yes they did do revelations... their most famous peice. also i went to the 2:30 show today... not as good but yeah, quite the show. last night and today we talked to a few of the dancers. it was nice.
I BAUGHT THE DONNIE DARKO DIRECTORS CUT DVD!!!! i love that movie soooooo much. it rocks atleast as much as the reg. but probably better. nice special features.
also about me supposedly being stuck being single and without love... well i guess that hasn't changed at all. yeah nothing different there. im lonely... but i guess, atleast tonight im fine with that. i love some love though.
im drinking brandy...... mmmmmmm brandy.
love you all soo much, you should post... so i dont fall into a deep depression and not post anymore. lol. ciao.