Jul 19, 2006 02:00
hmm, let's see what has happened so far. first thing, i got a b/f, his name is Zezo, he's a really great guy i love him, i'm happy and life is grand EXCEPT for the fact that i had to quit smoking pot cuz i had surgury in my mouth, but it's only for a month or so, then i can get back to being me, but i needed to quit for a while anyways, it's all good. tonight was fun, got drunk ran around gwood w/ kassandra, bower and zezo, one of those nights to remember. we're also moving out in the next two weeks, my parents are moving to gwood i may move w/ them but i'll prolly get my own place here pretty soon and a new fucking car, and a better paying job cuz quizno's sucks ASS! but w/e it's somethin. i'm fuckin pissed cuz i got a lower level of percocet then last time MEH o well. that's what's happened so fucking far hoped you enjoyed the story of my life...THE END