Jun 03, 2005 17:54
So yea, just got back from the NAVY recruiting office. And all of you who condemn me and curse me and want to say how stupid I am for even considering a military thing.... save it. I don't want to hear it. Unless you have something constructive to say that is actually informative, go ahead. Otherwise, don't.
Anyways, I took this aptitude test while I was there. The guy that I talked to (Jordan) told me I could be like this scientist person on the boat or something crazy like that. Something about Nuclear power. Yea. Also computers. I like the computer part, but I honestly think I may consider the scientist thing (wish I could remember what he called it so I didn't sound so.... stupid.). I am considering joining. But I'm 17 and I still have a year to think (which I am grateful for). However, on tuesday I'm going in to take the real test thing, so yea. That should be fun.
The guy that I talked to was really nice too. It was kinda weird when I first went in, but I actually had fun (sounds weird I know) but it was like holding a normal conversation with friends. Except no dirty jokes. And this girl was there (didn't catch her name) and they were both really nice to me. They helped me to figure stuff out about stuff I didn't know.
Also, while I was taking the test thing in an office, I could hear like this guy (obviously a superior officer) yelling at them about different things. He sounded mean, but I was having a hard time not laughing and concentrating on my test since it was timed.
So today was pretty fun. It's hard to believe I was actually laughing and joking in a recruiting office. I think it was because Jordan was not that much older than me, along with the girl. Like in their 20's. Early twenties I believe.
Off to graduation!
Ah I don't wanna cry!
Not going to....