Jun 02, 2005 14:08
Guess who's got another computer problem... yup that's right. Mr. Emachine aka: Me.
So if anyone can tell me if it sounds like a video card issue or hard drive issue that'd be happy.
Basically my computer makes my screen blink on and off. Even while I type. Pretty much when ever I do any kind of task it makes the screen black out. I hope it's a video card problem... but it's probably not. It's super annoying having this issue. Think of having some eye tick where you blink for more than 5 seconds everytime you do something like breath or talk. You can still do things, but you can't see. Well that's my computer. I can still do various tasks like type while it's blacked out. I just can't see what I'm doing. Sometimes it goes into 800x400 mode and I have to reboot. I love that. So that leads me to believe it's a graphics problem. But what also has been happening on more rare occasions is my itunes count going wacky. I'll go from having 3,040 tunes to like 300. Sometimes even 40. I reboot and it's fine. So that leads me to believe it's a hard drive issue. I'm running off my own video card but I want to try running it off the on board one, but can't get that up.
I'd go to CompUsa or Best Buy but those jerks don't know anything. The minute I mention CMOS or something semi-technical they stop caring. Jerks.
As much as I hate Macs for egotistical reasons, that's what my next computer is going to be. All I use computers for now is internet, itunes and the occasional game. But this will be when I have money. And when I have money I'll eventually set up some crude form of a recording "studio". A studio within a studio. Sweet. But first, I need a new guitar. FUCK MONEY.