Oct 19, 2008 18:10
That was the unexpected answer she gave me when I asked how her grandparents were fairing while living in a FEMA trailer. The house they lived in for over 50 years was destroyed along with all other wordly possessions, including cattle, cats, dogs, and a restraunt that was worth over 100,000 dollars. Yet, because they were together in that tiny space and neither were harmed, they were "happy as two pigs in mud".
I can not specifically, word-for-word, remember anything else spoken from the two years I spent in Louisina collecting narratives about the hurricane recovery in the aftermath of Katrina.
A year later I interviewed her again and the grandmother had passed away. Granddad was still living in the trailer, but he was ok. He had his family and a lifetime of good memories and that was all that mattered.