Lost Heros

Sep 06, 2007 11:04

      Well, it looks like Envirotech may have missed a part in my basement for mold. Envirotech is the company I am using to de-mold my house. They seem good, but it is hart to say as I have never had to use a mold removal company before. Anyway, they treated my basement, but did not treat the staircase leading up to the 1st floor. The estimate did say that the staircase would be treated so I called them back. It looks like they will contact the people that did the work and see if they can't come back and complete the work for no extra charge. That is the theory anyway. We shall see how it ends up in practice.
      In other news, I bought season 1 for Heroes. I have to say that I like the concept. Like all Television shows nowadays, I have some problems with it, but I think it is a pretty neat concept. Everybody likes super powers.
      However, I did find one thing that I did not like about it. It is pretty much Lost. Which means I would not be surprised if Lost was just the same show as something else.
      When it comes down to it, both shows are about a group of people who are isolated from the rest of the world. They are fighting against unknown forces. On one side there is the institutional opposition and on the other it is the more random murderous monster type. They wander around and learn about their surroundings all the while looking for clues about what what exactly is this cataclysmic event that will happen. Throughout the episodes is the presence of this symbol that connects it all and is the key to what connects them.
      Then there are the characters. You have the leader/caretaker who struggles to do the right thing and be a positive influence on everyone. Then you have the blond innocent one trying to survive and is going through the process of "growing up". There is the drug addict who really is trying to be good, but just can't seem to get past the drugs. As always, you have to have the snide jerk who is sketchy and you really don't know whose side he is on, but the producer will always make sure to show his softer side just when you think you know him. You also have the comic type guy whom will end up being more substantial then we originally pegged him out to be. Oh, I almost forgot the strong woman who does some sketchy things but has to in order to survive.
      I am sure I could go on, but I have work to do. Anyway, the point is I would really like to see a show that has a good idea, that is creative, but also is not packed into these form factors, processed and ready for public consumption. That is just my 2 cents.

house, update

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