The journey of a thousand li commenced with a single vote.

Nov 08, 2006 21:37

      People get a little weird with the whole voting thing. You get random people telling you to vote. They give you these stupid little stickers to show all your friends what a good person you are for voting. I mean really, my doctor used to give me stickers when I was a kid. This isn't a happy meal. I don't need the free toy. Beyond that, they are assuming a lot when I come out of the both. Like it is a really good thing that I just did. O.K. fine. What if I just voted for the Nazi party. How does that sit with you? What, sticker now. Let's not forget the tactics some people use to get people not to vote. The truth is, people think voting is really good when it is assumed that you are voting like them. Otherwise, they really won't encourage you. Sure, my Nazi example is extreme, but it does not take much to make it real.
      I am not saying that I am not pleased with how it turned out. Of course, the new politicians still need to deliver, but I think it is a step in the right direction. I actually don't belong to any party, but I like the results.
      Voting is just something that we do because it is part of the system we use. Your car will break down if you don't maintain it. Same thing with governments. Of course, everything will breakdown eventually. So sayeth chapter one of the Holy Crap, tome of the Church of the Drunken Taoist Bastard. ;D Anyway, I just don't get the whole elevation of the notion of voting. It has become this amazingly wonderful thing because so few people do it. Of course, I don't think anything should be elevated. People, countries, whatever. Personally, I vote for upkeep and oil changes and sys admin,... not for stickers or bragging rights. My 2 cents anyway.
      Things are pretty good here at work. We have just officially completed my move to a new building. I have not been able to post on it because there has been no time between the move and customers. It is pretty good. I am in the basement, which is good. Things are still rather noisy because things are still being cleaned and what not. There are no mice in my new office which is a rather awesome thing. One odd thing though,... we have to remove our shoes when we enter the building. I don't mind, it is just different. I have these ninja boots that I use. They have the big toe separated from the rest of the toes for climbing ropes. ;)
      No Trinidad pictures yet. I need to check in with my Dragon Fire friends to see if I can't pay them for some duplicates. My pictures did not turn out so well on my phone, but they work. I will see if I can't get some posted by this weekend.
      Quiz action time! This time, I found this on darth_qonfused site.

You scored as C.G. Jung. You are more of a spiritualist than would be immediately apparent. Some of your notions are questioned by the cynical, but deep down you know the human consciousness is more than the flesh and tissue can account for. You tend to take a scientific observationist look on matters the average person wouldn't even begin to analyze. You personally are responsible for most of the ideas that are floating around in modern psychologist's/psychic's paltry little skulls. On the down side, you tend to be associated with that asshole Freud.

C.G. Jung
Friedrich Nietzsche
Stephen Hawking
Mother Teresa
Miyamoto Musashi
Dante Alighieri
Steven Morrissey
Adolf Hitler
O.J. Simpson
Charles Manson
Jesus Christ
Sigmund Freud
Hugh Hefner
Elvis Presley
What Pseudo Historical Figure Best Suits You?
created with

update, quiz, politics

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