Friday 45

Jun 02, 2006 14:03

Nothing much to report. I am still looking for my back pack. I think I will stop by The Haunt tonight just to double check. I think is pretty much gone. Oh well. I will just have to pick up another Palyers Handbook. Mostlikly as soon as I do that, I will find my backpack. ;)
    Quiz time. Thanks callusdew! :)

Favorite phrase when you have:
1. Ate food that tastes bad: "Hmmmm,..interesting"
2. Stubbed your toe: "Damit! Again!" *hop hop hop*
3. Become frustrated: "Oh yes, this makes perfectg sense." *fuming*
4. Broken something: "Drat."
5. Been cut off by another driver: "Careful."

What songs would you play to match these situations?
1. At a sporting event: Nothing. I prefer quiet.
2. At a party/social event: Anything by my musician friends.
3. Utterly depressed: The final Cut - Pink Floyd
4. Driving in a car: Ozar Midrashim 1.1 - Information Society
5. Feeling lustful: Just a Gigolo - Louie Prima

1. Have you ever been to Mexico? No, but I would like to.
2. Do you know anyone who is currently in the military? Not anymore.
3. What is the last party you attended? Last freakin night.
4. What do you think about President Bush saying that the United States' National Anthem should only be sung in English? Stupid. Language is arbitrary so as long as the ideals hold true then language does not make a difference.
5. French fries or freedom fries? French fries.

1. What's missing from your life? Nothing. I have everything that I need at this juncture that I should have.
2. Do you like to get drunk? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes I do.
3. Have you ever kissed a stranger? No.
4. Do you smoke? Yes, but it is O.K. to have one because I quit.
5. What makes you happy? Rain on parades, cats, drinking, working out, hanging out, spacing out, getting out. What doesn't make me happy. Its all a prime cut on this pig. ;D

1. When is the last time you were broke? Two years ago. Before I got a raise. Now I am going well and able to start saving money for a house.
2. What makes you lose focus? Copious amounts of alcohol.
3. How tall are you? 5'5"
4. Are you brave or cowardly? Neither. I'm Felix.
5. What's in your pocket? My wallet & Checkbook.

1. Have you ever ridden a camel? No.
2. When you are outside, what does the horizon look like? Its a line. Sometimes its a straight line and sometimes its a jagged one.
3. Who is the last person to leave you a message? Ian. He is visiting and called to let me know he would be out last night.
4. How many hours did you sleep last night? Heh. Speaking of which, I think I got about 5 hours of sleep.
5. Chocolate: take it or leave it? Leave it. My teeth don't like sweets.

1. Name one of your flaws: I'm an aweful conversationalist. I never have anything to say.
2. Have you ever won first place? Yes, but I did not deserve it.
3. Who is the last person to make you smile? That would have been Ian last night when I left the Thunderdome. We had a good time and it was really cool to see him again.
4. Describe a time when you should have tried harder: Why would I want to do that?
5. What are you good at? Listening.

1. When is the last time you became unraveled? Quite some time ago. I actually can't remember the last time. It's been on the order of years.
2. What's the longest trip you've taken? Taipei, Taiwan
3. Who is the biggest distraction in your life? Angeldust, my cat.
4. Do people notice you when you walk into a room? No.
5. Describe the last time you disappointed someone: Good question. I am not sure. Probably here at work sometime recently, but that really is not so serious, especially since I still have my job. :)

1. Which movie character is most like you? No idea. I tryed think about this for a while, but there were too many sort through and nothing really just works.
2. Which TV character is most like you? Fraiser, from Cheers days.
3. Which literary character is most like you? Chesire Cat. Elusive, contrary, and the ability to disappear without a trace. ;D
4. Which song describes you? Anthem, Leonard Cohen
5. Which animal is most like you? Hedgehog.

update, quiz

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