books and black belts

Oct 18, 2005 11:35

      O.K. Quick update. I just got Zuangzi Speaks: The Music of Nature, by Tsai Chih Chung. Taoist comics. Pretty cool. I found it at Powells book store. This is a great on-line book resource that I would recommend to anyone looking for out of print books. Not so expensive too. Of course, not as inexpensive as the The Friends of the Library Booksale, but still good.

      Which reminds me, I managed to make it down to the booksale last week and ended up with seven VHS volumes of the Bubblegum Crisis series. I did not hold any great expectations for it, but it was alright. Anyway, it was cheap and gave me something to watch when I can't get to sleep. There was a good anime section this year and it was fortunate that milk_thistle was there as I probably would have ended up spending much more time there when I should have been doing my laundry. ;D

      I am not sure what it is, but for some reason, there used to be a huge connection in the anime world between rock stars and super heroes. I can't help but wonder if it is a product of kabuki theater, or in China it would be their operas. Their heroes would always be connected with the music of the theater and they would always be seen with that musical, operatic context resplendent with make-up, color, costume, and drama. It would be interesting to see if there is any connection.

      Anyway, I have class tonight. I am looking forward to it. Shisho, my instructor, is away so we are having other people lead the classes. The black belt who is running the karate class is pretty good. He has a different style of teaching so it is a good opportunity for me to learn this stuff from a different angle. He has had serious combat experience so he is rather skilled in a very brutal manner. Learning from him is a good compliment to Shisho's teachings.

Oh, by the way, in case I have not mentioned it before, NPR membership drive. Just thought I would mention it,.... if you have the money and listen,... membership = yes,....go. ;D
      Finally, because I love these things, another quiz type thing taken from dawnstar.

A - Age of your first kiss: high school some time.
B - Band you are listening to right now: nothing
C - Crush: your head,....I'm crushing your head,....
D - Dad's name: Bill
E - Easiest person to talk to: Me! Talking to myself is easy especially since I can never cut myself off!
F - Favorite ice cream: Pain! No ice cream for me. Makes my teeth and gums hurt.
G - Gummy worms or Gummy bears? Bears, because they were in my pocket and warm.
H - Hometown: Port Jervis, NY
I - Instruments: Bass, Oscilloscope, Short sword, and Katana
J - Junior High: Monroe-Woodbury.
K - Kids: I have the heart of a child,...I keep it in my freezer.
L - Longest car ride: Florida when I was a kid a could not fight back. ;)
M - Mum's name: Pat
N - Nicknames: Well, an ex co-worker of mine would call me "Feal" for some reason, but none that I am aware of.
O - One wish: No thank you.
P - Phobia: no full fledged phobias.
Q - Quote: "I drink too much. The last time I gave a urine sample it had an olive in it.", Rodney Dangerfield
R - Reasons to smile: no reason
S - Scent: Almond or fall.
T - Time you woke up today: 8:00am
U - Unknown fact about me: I would like to play bass in a band, but I just don't have the time.
V - Vicoryyyyyyyy! and sandwiches.
W - Worst luck with: the outer lanes on pinball machines. I can't tilt properly so I either loose the ball or lock up the machine.
X - X-rays you've had: teeth, knees, and head.
Y - Years since you've been to church: 28?
Z - Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

2 pts - Crushing your head?
2 pts - My high school principal used to like gummie bears.
1 pt - Can you find out what knobs do?

books, martial arts, npr, anime, tao

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