(no subject)

Jul 06, 2005 11:51

This is not a fully cognizant argument as to why things are bad. This certainly does not have any intellectual merit save perhaps making a case for evolution and against creationism. However, it is pretty damn funny. I especially thought kenshardik, milk_thistle, and snigglefritz would appreciate this. Certainly, I do not intend any offense to the honorable monkeysama.

Ladies and gentleman, I present:
Bush or Chimp

By the way, I have recently just got back into Resident Evil 2. However, I have never played the first one or the last one (on Game Cube). Does anyone have any thoughts as to what would be the best option to be able to play all of them. I hear there is a box set for Game Cube and I am just about ready to break down and buy it. Is the Game Cube worth it?

politics, links, gaming

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