Apr 17, 2005 12:05
Last night was fun! I went to manda's. We hung out with Joshua till around 10 maybe. She was being mean to him. He is her hott new boyfriend and everything. And he got made that he didn't rape her after 30 minutes. And no first kiss either. But she says she doesn't kiss on the first date :-p well I bet I could name something....:-O just kidding Manda Jo.
After that we went inside and watched some full house. She passed out even before the show was over. I layed there for a while thinking about some things like family and my future....In the morning I woke up from having a weird dream about the cast of Desprate Housewifes and started watching my Super Sweet 16. She finally woke up, we ate some ceral then she tried on some clothes for her senior pics. Im excited to finally have one of hers. She has like 3 of mine. I came home and now I wait for 4 o'clock to roll around when I got out to eat with Mike and Meghan. We're going to Red Robins for our birthday. Even though both of them have past, it'll be fun. Times with Meghan are crazy, times with Mike are strange {in a good way} mix them together and we'll see what we get. Then I'm writing that darn letter to my mom and hanging out with Danny before I have to go to bed and get ready for a day closer to the end! YES! School's gonna be out soon enough. Scared and excited at the same time.
Catch you up on everything that happens today
Tickle me sideways and shut the door....I'm out