Relationship Survey (My thoughts are high with this one)

Sep 14, 2006 15:32

* what is your name?: Felisha

* what is the current date?: September 13 2006

* what is your sex?: female

* what is your birthday?: April 11, 1987

* what is your current relationship status?: Single but not dating

* what is your sexual orientation? : Straight

* what character traits do you look for in a potential interest?: Funny, makes me laugh, compliments my personality (we go together well),

* what physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?:
First I look at scent (sounds weird but I love a guy that smells good, it makes me giddy when I smell their cologne), then I look at style (if they are fashionable), then I look at hair cut (if its even or if they have a fucked up borics kind of hair cut).

* what kind of fashion-sense attracts you?:
I absolutly love preppy boys. I love guys that wear button downs, polos, raggid jeans, cloth flip flops and stuff like that

* what kind of hair style do you find attractive on a potential mate?:
I usually like either well cut or highly styled.

* what is the usual age range you look at?:
usually 20-25

* what traits turn you off?: Boring boys or people that don't take care of themselves

* are you afraid to ask people out on dates?: I usually ask people to hang out but the last time I was on a date I as the one to ask them.

single life

* if you're single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?: Sort of but its just because I'm over hooking up with random people and for other reasons :-X

* what are the positive points about being single?:
Your not tied down with just one person

* what are the negative points about being single?: Not having someone there for things like weddings or valentines day

* when single, do you often find youself longing for companionship?: no not really Im contend either way but lately I just havent been liking being single

* how well do you handle rejection?: Rejection? well I've only experienced it once but I was over it the next day because I realized he wasn't what I really wanted I just wanted the things he had to offer

* do you miss your last sweetie?: Well my last boyfriend no but the last guy that I was dating yeah. Hes a sweet heart

* do you think it's better to look for love, or let it find you?: I actually do the opposite, I convince myself that I dont even like the person and to call it love takes FOREVER

when you're in a relationship

* if you're currently in a relationship right now, how long have you been in it?: I'm not in one

* what's the longest relationship you've been in?: A little over a year.

* the shortest?: well actual relationship: probably like 3 months

* what are the positive points about being in a relationship?:
Having someone to rely on when you have no one else to turn to

* what are the negative points about being in a relationship?:

* have you ever gone out with someone you didn't know very well?: Pretty much

* have you ever gone out with someone you had a crush on?:
Yeah wouldnt you have a crush on them before you go out with them

* have you ever gone out with someone who had a crush on you?: Yes

* what is an example of an ideal, perfect day with your sweetie?:
Just spending the day laying around cuddling and enjoying the day then going out to a party with friends.

* how important is it to you to know the exact status of your relationships (ie: "dating", "going steady", etc)?: Actually not very important at all. In fact the understanding of the relationship rather than the title makes it more important

* do you think couples should spend a very large amount of time together, or space things out a tad?: I think space is a good thing. Absence makes the heart grow founder and the more you spend not together the more youll long for each other. But you do have to consider the fact of a balance just because you dont want to be with them 24/7 doesnt mean that you cant spend like 3 or 4 days a week with them and it doesnt have to be just the two of you. When your with your friends dont be all up on top of each other.

* when involved, do you try to think about the here-and-now, or do you often think about the future?: I give it a balance and since I have give things a long look into the futute and those plans failed I want to look at each moment as it comes but still be thinking about the possiblity of a future.

* how do you prefer to handle disagreements?: I handle them the only way you can, take each situation into full consideration and try to focus on how I'm acting because I don't want to have regrets no matter how I feel about the situation

* how do you feel when your mate is mad at you and won't tell you why?: I can't handle it but I try and give them space, you really have to know the person and look at the situation that you are in.


* what's the longest period of time you've ever had a crush?:
An actual liking for someone probably like a month but then either I act on it or let it fade away, I can hinder my feelings, I'm good at that stuff

* have you ever confessed your feelings to a crush?: For sure

* has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?: Yes

* do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?: No because I really dont like to admit my feelings to myself let alone to anyone else

* how do you feel about long-distance relationships?: You just have to look at the relationship not the idea of it. I have been in a long distant relationship and it was hard but it worked for the most part

* would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?: Not sure it really depends on the situation not the idea (yet again)

* what would you do if you got pregnant / made her pregnant while in a relationship?: Were not gonna go there. I have no idea

* would you get involved with someone if they were previously married?: Yeah but I would take it VERY cauiously

* how big of an issue is your mate's morals, to your compatibility?: Huh?

* how big of an issue is political beliefs, to your compatibility?: They are kind of higher than they would be for most people. I am a republican and if I marry this person they have to be able to support my opinion, not necessarily agree but support it because I do have one

* how big of an issue is religion to your compatibility?: Not that big of a deal except I will be married in a Catholic church out of respect for my family esspecially my grandmother

* how big of an issue to you is your mate's ethnicity?: I don't mind others to date other races but for me personally I prefer them to close to my ethnicity: mexican... pshhhhhhhhhh

* in a potential mate, how important is conversation to you?:
If you cant talk to them then why would you be with them?

* in a potential mate, how important is intelligence to you?:
I love to be tested so I love guys to be smarter than me

* in a potential mate, how important is sense of humor to you?:
Very because I love people to make me laugh!!

* in a potential mate, how important is understanding to you?: Huh?

* in a potential mate, how important is forgiveness to you?:
We have to deal with the situation as it arrises

* how tangible do your shared feelings have to be? (aka: are words even necessary?): Not very important to me at all. As long as we have an understanding it all works


* are you a virgin?: No

*if not, would you consider your first time to have been a good one?: umm I would consider it to be VERY short

* how old were you when you lost your virginity?: 17

* have you ever had sex with someone you loved?: Yes

* have you ever turned down an offer for sex?: Yes. I hate to be bothered when I'm sleeping and if you wake me up to have sex, its not going to work!

* how much do you think sex changes a relationship?: I never realized how much it changed it untill recently

* has anyone ever walked in on you during love-making?: Yes :-..

* at what level of importance does sex factor into your relationships?: If you are in a healthy relationship it does play a factor but its not the only factor

* would you stay with a lover if the love stopped, but the sex was still enjoyable?: Been there and its just not the same

* would you stay with a lover if the sex stopped / got boring, but there was still love?: If theres love how can love making be bad?!


* do you believe in love?: Yes

* do you believe in love at first sight?: Nada

* has someone ever told you they loved you?: Yes

* have you ever told someone you loved them and meant it?: Yes

* have you ever told someone you loved them and not meant it?: No because when I say it to my friends I mean it, its just different

* do you believe it's necessary to express your love in words, or is just the atmosphere and feelings enough?: You need a little bit of both

* do you believe love can end, or do you think it never goes away, and just changes, or what?: It can definitely fade after something extreme happens


* have you ever been married?: No

* how do you feel about marriage?: Its a part of life and I will one day experience it just not till I'm ready!

* if you're currenlty not married, do you foresee yourself ever tying the knot?: Yes

* do you plan on having children some day?: Not sure yet depends on my financial situation (I will only have children if I or my husband can be a stay at home parent)


* have you ever had your heart broken?: Yes

* have you ever been dumped?: Once

* have you ever dumped someone?: Usually what happens

* have you ever mutually broke up with someone?: Yes

* has the opposite sex ever made you cry?: For sure but no man would make a woman cry, only a cowardly boy would do that

* did you cry in their presence?: Yes

* did you cry with them? Yes

* have you ever had an emotional pain so bad it made you sick or physically hurt?: Yes in fact I went without eatting or sleeping essentially for about a month

* have you ever been unfaithful? how did it make you feel?:
Yes I have but honestly it wasnt a relationship if I had to go to someone else. I didn't belong with them and I should have ended it before I let the situation get that far.

* if so, did they find out?: Yes and I also found out that they were unfaithful the same day

* have you ever been cheated on?: Yes

* have you ever had to end a relationship due to life changes not related to romance (ie: moving, strict parents, etc)?: Yes. I broke up with this guy because I was grounded and I didn't think it was fair to him since I didn't get to see him or talk to him

* have you ever learned an important lesson as a result of a break up?: I learn something from every experience and even though I don't learn it at that moment, I might reflect on the situation and see it.

the aftermath

* have you ever gotten back together with someone after breaking up?: yes and it was a silly mistake, both times

* did it work?: Nope

* do you believe there's hope for people after they get back together, or do you think the same problems that caused the initial break-up will resurface?: I think that it is possible for it to work but both people have to be willing to work it out and they actually have to realize that the wach could have changed alot in that amount of time.

* have you ever broke up and remained friends afterward?: For sure!! In fact we became best friends :D

* have you ever broke up and became bitter enemies?: Yes!! Well at least on my behalf

* if so, did you ever made amends?: No were just civil when need be

* have you ever broke up and lost touch?: Yes

* have you ever got back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?: Yeah actually it happened after like 2 or 3 years

* were you afraid to do so?: kind of but things turned out good

* do you ever check up on old flames (weather by asking mutual friends, for example), without actually contacting them?: Yes

* have you ever longed to get back together with someone?: Yes but thats when I was in a very depressed mood and things in general werent doing well
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