Thank you,
heather03nmg and
envious_ema so much for the virtual milk and cookies in my userinfo!! *hugs you*
Still feeling pretty crappy so that totally helped. Yum, yum.
Talking about LJ-features, I don't get the new 3-level userpic system. I have 131 userpics (basic + earned + bought) but when I need to renew I either have to buy 40 and end up with 70 (that's how it works, right? Not 70+30=100?) or buy 110 and end up with 140 or buy 180 and end up with 210. So either I lose some or I add a bunch. And the earned userpics are gone then, I gather? Weren't they supposed to be like a reward for loyal costumers? *rolls eyes* [ETA. Okay, I might be misunderstanding here. I told you I didn't get it! Things might not be as fucked up as they seem]
Don't get me wrong, I'm all over having 210 userpics. (I could have 1000 and still not consider them enough. Which is kinda funny since I haven't even filled my 131 slots yet. I'm saving space!) It just looks like they're screwing us over while pretending to be all nice and generous, offering what we've been asking for for so long, extra userpics. A year of 100 userpics used to be $10. Now we only get 40 for that same amount. AND our earned userpics are gone. How's that fair? *grumbles*
Went into work today which I probably shouldn't. Am back in bed, saving energy for tomorrow's birthday party. 12 ten year old girls. Oh joy. *sighs*