(no subject)

Mar 20, 2010 16:53

I just got back from a lovely blind "date" with beelikej who is over here visiting from the Netherlands. Well, it was more blind for her than me since I'd seen a picture of her and knew what she looked like but she had no idea what to expect. Guess you were relieved I didn't turn out to be a fifty year old pervert living in his mother's basement, right? lol

I'm not sure which one of us was more nervous but as it happened we hit it of right away (she brought me candy! And I didn't give her anything. Massive fail on my part. *hangs head in shame*) and spent the next three plus hours talking fannish stuff and TV shows and fanfic and travelling and ha, even the weather. *g* We had a little walk and went to the comic book store (daybright, you weren't there!) where I bought the SPN magazine and she bought a Buffy comic and we talked about all the TV shows we watch and manga and the awesomeness of John Barrowman.

And then I had to leave because I'd promised my kids we'd do something fun today (which ended up being rollerskates/scooter/walking and then sitting down at a coffeehouse for some hot cocoa and sandwiches) so we said goodbye and I hope she has a really nice stay what little she has left of being here. Hope 4 am tomorrow morning won't be too horrible. *shudders at the thought*

Tonight we're invited to dinner at my best friend's but until then I'm trying to catch up with you guys and maybe be a little creative since my scheduled writing time yesterday ended up being spent drinking instead. *g*

[ETA. beelikej, I totally forgot to mention: There's this Moustache March going on to raise the awareness of men and cancer. I swear, our men don't usually all look so... hairy. As much as I support the cause I'll be SO happy when April comes around. The pornstache really doesn't do it for me. *grimaces*]

meeting lj people, kids, rl

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