Only took me a month to figure out how to use the LJ gift certificate
lizajaneok gave me for my birthday. *hugs her* Either I'm very stupid or they make the whole thing way too complicated. As I hit the finish button I had no idea if I'd actually managed to use it or if I just threw the money out the window. Thankfully it worked, yay! So now I have paid usertime until May 2011 and userpics (131 of them!!) until May 2010. Again, thank you so much, honey. *loves you lots and lots*
I have a timestamp I kinda want to post except I'm feeling all unsure about it. It's very, very emo and has an even more emo sequel. (Yes, my timestamps have sequels now. And they're more like a painted wall the size of China's than actual stamps. Where did my ability to write short stories go?) I need to do happy timestamps. I actually have one in the works but at the pace I'm writing it probably won't be ready until Xmas.
Oh, want to hear something awesome?
So the other day I had to use the toilet at work and someone had left a post-it on the mirror that said "You are beautiful just the way you are!" And it's stupid but I suddenly felt so GOOD about myself. So then today someone had taken the novel "Size Doesn't Matter" and placed it on the cart and when I picked it up there was a post-it on the back that said "YOU are worth it!" And in small letters at the bottom stood So I looked it up and... Well, check for yourself. Apparently someone grabbed the idea all the way over here and you know what, it works. So if you have some post-its and a little time on your hand? Go out and spread some joy. I guarantee you you're going to make someone's day. That person made mine.
Oh, and I dreamt last night that I was married to Hugh Laurie and we were snuggling on the bus. He was adorably sweet and lovely.