Title: This is My Tune For the Taking (A timestamp for
The Doors of Time)
felisblancoPairing: Jensen/Jared. Mentions past Jared/Sandy
Wordcount: 2700
Rating: G
Summary:He reaches for the doorknob but pauses at the last moment. There are lines that Jensen expects him not to cross. Lines they’ve never talked about but Jared knows are there just the
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Comments 87
*feeds muse*
Have another one more or less ready but it has a follow up that needs a lot more work and I think it might be better to hold the first one off a bit until I can post them closer together. If that makes sense. lol
As always, the music and Jensen`s magic is undescribably beautiful, magnificent and captivatingly enchanting)))I`m so happy you keep spoilling us with stamps)))
And I don't really see it as placating Sandy but more Jared trying to salvage what's left of their frienddship. Jared's lost so much of his old life, his parents splitting up, his siblings growing away from him and now he's moved to New York where he doesn't really know anyone except Jensen and Jensen's friends. And Sandy has been a big part of his life since he was born. Of course he should have asked first but like I said, sometimes we do things without thinking. I think he just thought that if Sandy saw what Jensen is she would finally understand and he wouldn't be so torn between them. Desperate things call for desperate measures and all that. Still, yes, he should have asked first.
Anyway, I'm really glad you're still enjoying this. *hugs*
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