
Oct 18, 2009 16:26

I had an AWESOME party last night. Mixing up family/RL and LJ friends went better than I expected. lol You should have seen the look on the not!LJ-people's faces when they finally got to hear the bestiality porn story. *snorts*

Hubby made pizza and hot salsa/cheese dip and my best friend made her guacamole and then we had snacks and crackers and cheeses and stuff. And you know, booze. And more booze. And some more booze.

I got a teeny tiny bit drunk. Maybe. Lalala...

I put up the porn poetry magnets on the fridge that hellziggy gave me some years ago and much fun was had making up the dirtiest (if not very eloquent) poems. lol I had to take them down this morning before the kids came home since the girl can understand English a little too well by now but never fear, there were pics taken so they were not lost. *g*

I got pretty prezzies as well! I took pics to show you but I can't find the plug in for the camera. *pouts* I think hubby might have it in his bag and he won't be home until dinner time. I'll add them in when he gets home.*

Thank you, causette, verav, strawberrytatoo, kalldoro, vampyran, dangerous_47, sarka, sarahblack, hildigunnur and of course mr_felis (I hope I didn't forget anyone) for making this the best birthday party ever! *squishes you all*

I'm having the rest of the family over on Tuesday, my official birthday, and the apartment is actually clean! (Well, after I got rid of all the beer bottles and cans and did some washing up.) So if I can just keep it that way for two more days I can have a relaxing day ON my birthday instead of the usual last minute cleaning frenzy. lol

*As for the party pics... I look horrible in pretty much all of them. lmao. I did so not get the photogenic gene in my family.

meeting lj people, best friends ever, family, birthday, rl friends

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