Jun 18, 2009 23:56
So... Big Bang turned out quite alright. *beams*
I was going to try answer all the comments tonight so I don't fall so far behind like I usually do but I'm not sure I'll make it. (Seriously, I do plan to answer all the comments to Doors. With time. But, you know, 'time' is a very stretchable term. It can go into infinity. Ehem. *headdesk*)
Also because I won't be home tomorrow, will probably be busy this weekend and then on Thursday or possibly Wednesday we're going away for almost three weeks. To non-internet territory. *hyperventilates* Even worse, for 7-10 days of those I'll be in mom's cabin. Which has little to no electricity. *breathes into paperbag, clutching iBook to chest*
I'm taking with me the script for the Doors rewrite and a big notebook. And my Mukka so I can make as much latte as I want to keep my brain working. (And lube and condoms for other kind of inspiration.) But still, not having my laptop will be HARD! Also, it means I won't even be able to save BB fic for reading, not there anyway. *pouts*
Oooh, hubby brought me ice cream.
big bang,