Fic: Taking Turns (Holding This World). AU RPS. Jensen/Jared. NC-17. Part 2

Jun 17, 2009 20:37

Banner by sweet_lyri

Master post | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Epilogue | Art post

They ate in silence. The soup wasn’t bad but it wasn’t exactly good either. And half a can was barely enough to satisfy Jensen’s stomach even if he’d had a big lunch and some snack in the afternoon. JT being willing to share with him what was possibly his only proper meal of the day was rather humbling. Well, whatever JT did say, once Jensen was back to civilization he’d pull some strings and see what he could do. Not much, it wouldn’t pay to piss the kid off. Just maybe find him some decent place to live and a job. Maybe he could get JT back to school. Assuming he owned and had read those books on the shelves he had to be anything but stupid. Some of that stuff was even too heavy for Jensen to read and he considered himself pretty smart, if not too enthusiastic about his education.

“Thank you,” Jensen said as he discreetly wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. JT nodded, gathering their bowls and walking over to an empty basin. He took a big bottle of water and poured some over the bowls, rinsing them, before wiping them off with a dishcloth. It wasn’t the most hygienic dishwashing Jensen had seen but considering the accommodations it was more than he’d expected.

“Look, I’m sorry if I offended you,” he said when JT still didn’t say anything. “It’s just hard for me to understand, I guess, why you’re living like this.”

“Dude, what do you care?” JT asked, clearly annoyed. “If this is some stupid guilt thing you’re doing then drop it. I’m doing alright. I don’t need your pity.”

“It’s not pity,” Jensen said quickly, even if it kinda was. “You just seem like a bright kid that could do better. And it can’t be safe, being out here on your own like this.”

“I have friends. We stick together.” JT frowned. “Speaking of which, where the hell is Chad?”

He walked over to one of the big windows, staring down at the streets below. Jensen stood up and came to stand beside him. He wanted to apologize again but figured it would only piss JT further off. “You really worried about him?” he asked instead.

JT shrugged. “He’s pretty good at taking care of himself but you know” His voice trailed off and he bit his lip. “Shit happens,” he said finally and Jensen had the feeling he was speaking from personal experience. “Then again,” JT added just as Jensen was about to offer some lame words of reassurance, “he might just have gone to Sophia’s when he figured you’d be spending the night.”

“Sophia’s?” Jensen asked, refusing to acknowledge the butterflies that were once again at play in his stomach at the thought of spending the night in the same room as JT. It was stupid. Ok, so it had been ages since he slept with a guy. College to be exact. And he had to admit he missed it. Girls just didn’t give him the same thrill. But it didn’t matter, nothing was going to happen. The kid was too young and... well, a hobo. However clean he seemed who knew what he had been exposed to? And he was probably not even interested in guys. Or, if so, in Jensen. Which was fine because he wasn’t interested either. At all.

“…which is when we decided to move to Nepal and breed goats,” JT said in a sarcastic voice and Jensen blinked awake.

“Huh?” he said, “What?”

JT rolled his eyes but he didn’t seem mad, more amused. “Such a good listener. You should be a priest.”

“Sorry,” Jensen said and smiled awkwardly. “I was just thinking. Uhm. About… stuff.” He really hoped the heat in his face was from the late night sun, not because he was turning as red as the tomato soup they’d just had.

JT waved it off with a grin. “Dude, no problem. Was nothing important anyway.” He turned away from the window and walked over to the mattresses, sitting down on one end and pulling his feet up under him. “So,” he said, indicating the space beside him, “what brought you to my side of town?

Jensen hesitated a minute before joining him on the mattress. “Don’t laugh but…” He smiled a bit sheepish, “I was running away from home.”

JT looked at him blankly for a moment but then a smile tugged at his lips and suddenly he threw back his head, his booming laughter echoing in the room. Jensen tried to look offended but JT’s laugh was infectious and soon he found himself chuckling along.

“Aren’t you a bit old for that?” JT asked with a grin when he’d finally managed to calm down.

Jensen shrugged. “Probably. I just needed to get out, you know. Find my own place.”

JT nodded but he was still grinning. “I think at your age that’s called ‘moving out’, not running away,” he said and winked.

“Not if you sneak off without letting anyone know,” Jensen corrected and JT started laughing again. “And you make it sound like I’m ancient. I’m only twenty-two, dude.”

JT just raised his eyebrows, indicating that twenty-two was pretty ancient in his book then laughed when Jensen scowled at him. “Ok, ok, you ran away from home. Why, did your daddy not want to give you a new Porsche?” The words were mocking but JT was still grinning happily so Jensen couldn’t really take offence.

“No, he wanted me to get married,” Jensen said and shuddered.

JT snorted. “To a girl?”

Jensen frowned. “Uhm, yeah? That’s usually how it goes. You know, birds, bees, all that crap.”

JT looked at him, his face painted with disbelief. “But you’re gay,” he said confused.

Jensen blinked. “What?”

“Oh. You… You’re not gay?” JT went bright red. It was possibly the cutest thing Jensen had ever seen. “Crap, I’m sorry. I thought… I mean…” He rubbed a hand over his face. “Talk about embarrassing.”

“Dude, chill.” Jensen grinned. “It’s not like I’m a hundred percent straight.” He shrugged. “I’m pretty lax on that whole gender thing actually.”

“Oh.” JT breathed out and grinned. “Cool.” He laughed softly. “I thought my gaydar was broken or something.”

“Bent maybe, but no, not broken.” Jensen smirked and JT elbowed him, scowling. “So you and Chad…?”

JT’s eyes widened in horror. “What? No! God, no. Chad? Nonono. No. Oh no. Christ.” JT groaned. “Now I’m gonna have that image in my head all night, thank you.”

Jensen couldn’t help laughing. “Sorry. Just friends then?”

“Just friends. Definitely just friends. I mean, the guy is my best friend but… no. Hell, no.” He shuddered and Jensen laughed again.

They fell into an easy conversation, talking about everything from music and books to cars and politics. It was strange, Jensen thought, that as different as their lives were, in the dwindling light it didn’t seem to matter. He’d been right, JT was a smart kid. He dropped quotes from classical literature and pop culture alike without even seeming to notice and his arguments on every subject were well thought out and sensible. Jensen wasn’t stupid but talking to JT made him feel like he was the uneducated one.

Thinking of all the slackers he’d known in college, he himself being one of them, who smoked and partied when they should have been preparing their future, he couldn’t help feeling angry that JT hadn’t even gotten the opportunity to finish high school. It wasn’t fair. This was a kid that should make something of himself.

“What are your plans for the future?” he asked. “What would you do, if you could do whatever you liked?”

JT shrugged, his face going carefully blank as if he didn’t want his frustration to show. “Get a proper place so I can have my sister move in with me. And find a job that pays good, I guess.”

Jensen shook his head. “No, what would you do if you could do whatever you liked? Anything. Go back to school, become a movie star, win ten million dollars… what? Dream big, man.”

“Uhm.” JT frowned. “School. Yeah, I’d like that. I wanted to become a vet, when I was a kid. But now... If I could do whatever I wanted I think I’d like to become a lawyer. Lots of people that need help, you know.”

“Yeah,” Jensen said, suddenly feeling a little awkward about his less humanitarian ambitions. “You know there are scholarships. I bet you could get one but you’d have to finish high school first.”

JT shrugged. “Yeah,” he said but it was obvious he had no faith in that happening.

It was getting really dark and even with the light from the moon outside and a couple of candles on the table, trying to read the many expressions on JT’s face through the scratchy lenses was still straining to Jensen’s eyes. He took of his glasses and rubbed his eyes tiredly, the beginning of a headache threatening at his temple.

“You ok?” JT asked and Jensen looked up to find him only inches away, studying him worried. “He didn’t really hurt you, did he? Miguel, I mean.”

Jensen inadvertently ran his fingers over the back of his skull, feeling the slight bump there. He winced at the sharp sting of pain it brought on and JT sat up straight, scooting closer.

“Let me have a look at it,” he said and before Jensen could convince him he was perfectly fine he had his head bowed over JT’s lap while long fingers prodded his skull. “The skin isn’t broken,” JT was saying, so close Jensen could feel his breath on his neck. “You feel alright? Not nauseous or anything?”

“Uhm. Not nauseous, no,” Jensen managed to choke out, his nose inches away from JT’s crotch. He licked his lips, trying to breathe normally. “Just a little sore,” he added awkwardly, “and bruised. That guy had a mean left punch.”

JT’s fingers ran over Jensen’s shoulders and back, prodding him gently and he hissed when bruises from hitting the wall, which he hadn’t even been aware of, suddenly let themselves be painfully known.

“That hurt?” JT asked quietly.

“A little,” Jensen said through gritted teeth, not sure which was worse; admitting a few bruises on his back bothered him that much or that JT’s fingers touching him were having a rather embarrassing effect on the rest of him.

“Wish I had some cold packs but our medic reserve is a little low,” JT said, sounding genuinely bothered. “You’ll probably be even more sore tomorrow.”

“I’m okay,” Jensen mumbled, steadying himself with one hand on JT’s knee to keep from falling headfirst into his lap.

JT seemed to suddenly realize how awkward their position was because he let abruptly go off Jensen’s shoulders and sat back, clearing his throat. Jensen slowly lifted his head, hand still on JT’s knee as he pushed himself up until they were once again facing each other. It was a bit too dark to be sure but he thought the boy might be blushing.

“Uhm,” he said and smiled a little. “Thanks?”

“No problem,” JT said, eyes shifting to Jensen’s lips and then away again. He was breathing a little harshly and Jensen could feel the heat off his face warm his own skin. “Just… uh… wanted to make sure you weren’t badly hurt.”

Jensen licked his lips nervously, the heat in his belly turning up even further when he saw JT’s eyes follow the movement. “I…”

He stopped since every line he could think of sounded like a bad porno. “He got me pretty bad in the stomach too,” he finally blurted out, feeling his face go red. JT blinked, then his eyes slid down to where Jensen’s hand had unconsciously gone to rest against the bruise beneath his ribs. Then Jared looked up again, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips for a brief moment before he managed to smooth it out, face settling in a concerned expression.

“Yeah?” he asked. “Lay back and let me see.”

Jensen sunk down on his elbows, holding his breath as he watched JT’s long fingers tug at the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it up to reveal his stomach. Then sucked in his breath and fell down on his back at the sharp pain when JT ran a thumb over the bruised skin.

“Damn, you weren’t kidding,” he could hear JT say. “That hurt?”

Jensen nodded, teeth digging into his lower lip. He’d never been much of a fighter, hadn’t ever really gotten into that kind of situation before. Sure he’d been tackled by his brother a few times growing up but more in friendly banter than real anger. And even as an adult he was pretty sure Josh didn’t carry such a heavy punch as the giant he’d met in the alley. It suddenly hit him, what might have happened if JT hadn’t stepped in and saved his ass, and his blood ran cold. His breath hitched, legs twitching on the mattress.

“Hey, you okay?” JT asked worried, large hand coming up to cup his face and Jensen grabbed it by the wrist, desperately needing the reassurance of JT’s presence. “Jensen, hey. Shit, did I hurt you?”

Jensen shook his head, trying to force himself to calm down. “No. Sorry. I just…” He pulled in a shaky breath and let it out even slower. “He could have killed me,” he finally managed to say and felt pathetic the moment the words left his tongue.

JT looked down at him but he didn’t laugh. “Yeah, he could have,” he said instead, voice low. He lay his palm flat over the bruise on Jensen’s stomach, so light that Jensen felt more the warmth from his skin than the actual touch. “I’m glad I got to you in time.”

“Me too,” Jensen breathed. The flickering lights of the candles were reflecting in JT’s eyes, making them look even more catlike, and the shadows played upon his face in a way that almost seemed unearthly. And Jensen couldn’t think of anything he wanted more than for JT to kiss him, right there and then on this old mattress in an abandoned building with dust in the air and the noise of the city far below.

“Jensen,” JT whispered, tongue peeking out to run over his lower lip and that’s all Jensen could take. He grabbed JT by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down.

For a moment he thought he’d made a horrible mistake when JT’s lips stayed stiff and unmoving on his own, warm puffs of air blowing out of his nose against Jensen’s cheek. But just as he was about to let him awkwardly go JT parted his lips on a low moan and then they were really kissing, licking and biting at each others lips, tongues clashing and noses bumping and it was possibly the best kiss Jensen had ever had in his life.

“God, JT,” he managed to groan out when JT let briefly go of his lips to suck on his jaw. “You… What…”

“Don’t,” JT breathed into his neck. “Please, just want to…” He rubbed his thumb over Jensen’s lips, nose nuzzling into his hair. “Smell so good,” he moaned and Jensen closed his eyes and sucked JT’s thumb into his mouth. He tasted of soap and tomato soup. JT shuddered against him, breath harsh in his ear and when he shifted on the mattress Jensen could feel the hardness of JT’s dick pressing into his thigh.

“Want to…” he panted, fingers fumbling to get under JT’s t-shirt, “…touch you. Fuck. Got to…” He brushed hot skin, fine hairs tickling his fingertips and JT jerked against him.

“Jesus!” he gasped and Jensen let out a short breathless laugh.

“Like that?” he asked. “Me touching you?”

“Yeah. Jesus, yes. I want…” JT pushed himself up and pulled both t-shirt and wifebeater off in one swift motion before diving back in, kissing Jensen hard. “Please,” he whispered and Jensen couldn’t get his hands back on that warm skin fast enough.

JT might be skinny but he was so tall that his spine felt like an endless row of cobblestones under Jensen’s thumb and his skin was so soft and warm Jensen wanted to touch all of it at once. He spread his fingers, running his hands up the wing-like shoulder blades and down to the dip above JT’s ass, not daring to go further however much he wanted to. Instead his hands slipped down JT’s sides and up his chest where Jensen rubbed his thumbs over hard nipples and counted the ribs with his fingertips. All the while JT was kissing him, varying between soft and deep, light and hard, in sync with Jensen’s touches, while he breathed out low whimpers and moans that turned into hitched breathing every time Jensen got near the lower part of his body and again into almost keening sounds when Jensen moved away.

“God,” Jared finally croaked out. “You can… if, if you want to.”

“Want to,” Jensen whispered. “Really, really want to.” He was about to let one hand slip under the waistband of JT’s jeans when he suddenly pulled back, hand on Jensen’s chest.

“Wait,” he said. “Can I…?” And he tugged at Jensen’s t-shirt, licking at his upper lip nervously.

“Yeah, yeah. Sure,” Jensen said, words rushing out, almost knocking JT’s nose with his forehead as he sat up to pull of his shirts. “Better?”

“Yeah.” JT leaned down again to kiss him and the warmth of their stomachs and chests touching made them both suck in their breath. “Def-definitely better like this,” he huffed.

Jensen laughed a little nervously before remembering what he’d been doing when JT interrupted him. He stroke one hand down JT’s back, keeping the other entangled in his hair. This time when he got to the waistline of JT’s pants he didn’t hesitate but dived in, sliding his index finger down the cleft of JT’s ass while rubbing his thumb over the small of his back.

“Tell me to stop, whenever,” he whispered. “It’s ok.”

“’M not…” JT panted, his breath hot on Jensen’s neck, “not a virgin, dumbass.”

Jensen stopped, blinked, and then burst out laughing. Some of the tension slipped away and when JT pulled back he was grinning as well even if there was heat in his eyes as well as his cheeks.

“We’re insane,” Jensen said, shaking his head with a grin. “What are we doing?”

JT tilted his head, looking pensive for a moment before shrugging casually. “Making out? Possibly even having sex. If you want to.”

Jensen sucked in his breath. “I don’t know you,” he pointed out, voice a little shaky. “You don’t know me. I could be a total asshole. You could be a crazy homeless person!”

JT snorted. “I am a homeless person. Or, you know,” he corrected, frowning slightly, “living in a house that probably doesn’t count as a home.”

“But not crazy?” Jensen asked, quirking his eyebrow.

“Nope. Are you an asshole?” JT asked back.

“I don’t think so.” He frowned. “Although if I were, would I know?”

“Hmm…” JT looked at him thoughtful. “You know, that’s a very interesting philosophical question that we should definitely discuss. Some other time when I’m not about to blow you.”

Jensen stared up at him, the grin frozen on his lips. “Yeah?” he choked out. “Ok.”

JT smirked at him quickly before his eyes slid down Jensen’s naked chest. “Wish it weren’t so dark,” he said in a low voice. “Bet you look awesome naked.”

“Freckles,” Jensen gasped out when JT started kissing his way down, stopping briefly to lick at one nipple before continuing.

“Uhm?” JT mumbled, nose pressed into the dip below Jensen’s sternum.

“I… I have freckles,” Jensen explained, feeling stupid and unable to remember why he brought it up in the first place. “All over. The darkness is my friend.”

He could feel JT’s laughter vibrate in his bellybutton. “I have moles, man. Big brown ones. Like everywhere.”

“Oh ok.” Jensen sucked in his breath when JT licked carefully over his bruise. “That’s way more gross. Freak.”

JT laughed again, then blew raspberries against Jensen’s stomach, making him twitch and snort.

“I have one here,” JT said casually, flicking his tongue over a spot right under Jensen’s left nipple, “and another here.” He licked at Jensen’s hipbone, making his hips jerk. “And…”

Jensen closed his eyes when JT popped open the button on his jeans, then slowly pulled the zipper down. He was panting harshly, the darkness making him even more alert to every movement, every touch, and when JT tugged the jeans down his hips he stopped breathing, just waiting for what was about to happen.

“Here,” JT breathed hotly into Jensen’s skin and then pushed his tongue in among the curls above Jensen’s cock, licking the skin at the root.

“Ungh,” Jensen managed and then all coherent thought left his head as he was sucked into JT’s mouth.

Later, Jensen would spend endless nights wondering where JT had learned to give blowjobs like that and feel sick and angry by all the possibilities that popped into his head. The worst involving JT’s estranged father, the very best featuring Chad and too much beer. Everyone he’d met that day starred in his imaginary tales. The fat guy at the diner, the kids that stole his car. Oh God, that fucking brute Miguel with his tattoos and ugly mustache. The local police that JT seemed to know way too well. Any and all of them turned into sadistic raping bastards in Jensen’s head and he hated himself for being just one more guy that had made JT suck his dick. Even if ‘made’ was hardly the right word, considering JT had been the one to suggest it and all Jensen had really done was go along with it. When the options are blowjob or no blowjob, there really is no option. Still… It had been a sleazy thing to do and he felt anything but proud.

But right then, with JT’s mouth sucking him in all hot and wet and JT’s hands on his thighs, fingers splayed out and holding him down to keep Jensen from jerking his hips up and choke JT on his dick… All he could really think of was trying not to shoot his load too soon.

“I’m gonna...” he finally hissed between gritted teeth. “JT, I’m…” That was as far as he got before he was arching off the mattress, fingers cramping in JT’s damp and shaggy hair.

He lay gasping when JT crawled up the mattress to look down at him, all smug and smiling.

“Good?” he asked and Jensen really didn’t have any words to answer so he just pulled JT down for another kiss. It was wet and sloppy and tasted of his own come but he couldn’t really care about that when he had JT’s naked chest pressed against his own and the outline of JT’s cock denting his thigh.

“Your pants,” Jensen mumbled. “Off.”

JT laughed, rolling over on his back as he fumbled with his belt and quickly shoved his jeans down, before rolling back, his dick landing with a wet thud on Jensen’s thigh. Jensen reached down, wrapping his fingers around JT’s cock. It was thick and heavy in his hand. Fuck, the kid was going to be a giant one day, he just knew it.

“That good?” he said hoarsely. “Want me… Want me to suck you?”

JT shook his head, face pressed into Jensen’s neck. “Just… this. Fuck. I like… I like this.”

“Ok, ok.” He turned on his side to get a better grip, jerking JT off with firm strokes. “Wish I could see your cock,” he whispered, kissing JT’s neck. “Feels good in my hand. So damn big and smooth. Bet you taste good. Bet you’d feel good too. In… in me.” He sucked in his breath, suddenly wanting that more than anything. “You want to fuck me, JT? You want to fuck my ass with that big cock of yours?”

“Jesus Christ!” JT gasped into his ear. “Do you, do you kiss your mother with, with that mouth?” he stuttered desperately and then he was coming, hot and wet over Jensen’s fingers, stomach and chest.

“That’s it, yeah,” Jensen coaxed, giving a few extra tugs before letting go. His fingers were sticking together and he wiped them awkwardly on the sheet before breathing out and dropping his head down on the mattress. JT lay panting against his neck, one heavy hand draped over Jensen’s hip like it belonged there.

It was stupid but as Jensen lay there on the stacked mattresses, staring up at the cracked and stained ceiling, stomach growling with hunger and everything smelling of dust and sweat, he couldn’t remember being more content. Like he wouldn’t mind waking up like this tomorrow morning and the morning after that, as long as he had JT pressed up against his side and breathing into his ear.

JT shifted beside him and Jensen instinctively laid a hand on his arm, not wanting him to leave.

“Just gonna get my sleeping bag,” JT mumbled in a sleepy voice. He reached down to where the bags had rolled on to the floor and hauled one up, loosening the strings and zipping it down to make a bedspread that he pulled up over them before snuggling down again. “This ok?” he asked, pulling Jensen closer.

“Uhm,” Jensen mumbled.

He was suddenly bone tired, his whole body aching with exhaustion and bruises. It was warm and comfortable under the sleeping bag and JT felt safe and solid by his side. He struggled to keep awake a moment longer, feeling they should probably talk about what had just happened and maybe more importantly what would happen tomorrow. But when he turned his head JT was already out for the count. His lips were slack, cheeks flushed pink, and his eyes were moving slowly under the thin eyelids. He looked impossibly young and vulnerable in his sleep. Jensen lay watching him until his own eyes slipped close and he fell into oblivion.

One moment he was dreaming about living with JT in a bright and beautiful apartment, sharing kisses over their morning coffee and eating pancakes, and the next he was pressed up against the wall, scrambling for the sleeping bag to hide his nudity while what seemed like a whole battalion of masked men burst into the room, guns raised.

“Jensen? Jensen Ackles?” one of them yelled from behind his mask.

Jensen just stared at him frozen. The man closed in on him cautiously then stopped about three feet away, taking off his helmet and slipping the masked knitwear over his head. The writing on his jacket spelled FBI in large yellow letters.

“Mr. Ackles? It’s alright, you’re safe now,” the man said carefully. “I’m Agent Morgan with the FBI. We’ve come to take you home.”

“What?” Jensen managed to croak out.

“Are you hurt?” The man, Morgan, took a step closer and Jensen pulled the sleeping bag tighter around him, wincing when the bruises from the night before tugged at his skin. The man instantly backed away. “It’s alright” he said soothingly. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”

When Jensen just stared at him he turned around and quietly ordered the men to leave them. “Search the premises,” he added, “We don’t know how many they were. And get someone to bring some clothes up here.”

Agent Morgan waited until they were alone in the room before turning around and facing Jensen again. “Don’t worry, you’re safe now,” he said in a quiet and soothing voice, like he was talking to a wounded animal.

Jensen blinked, the shock that had numbed his brain finally fading. “What are you talking about?” he said in a shaky voice. “What the hell is going on?”

“We have apprehended your kidnapper. He can’t hurt you anymore. We’ll have you out of here in no time.”

“Kidnapper? What? No. I wasn’t kidnapped.” He laughed and it sounded half-hysterical, even in his own ears.

“It’s alright,” Agent Morgan said, voice filled with sympathy. “You’re safe now.”

Jensen wanted to punch him. Why the hell did he keep saying that? “Look, I wasn’t kidnapped. Some shithead stole my car with everything in it and I couldn’t call anyone because I didn’t even have my phone. So this kid, JT, offered me a place to stay for the night.”

Agent Morgan frowned. “Here? You voluntarily spent the night here?”

Jensen could feel himself blushing but he didn’t look away. “Yes. You have a problem with that?”

The man blinked slowly, then looked around, eyes finally coming to rest on the lone mattress Jensen sat on. “I see,” he said, grimacing. “Oh hell.” He rubbed one hand over his face. “He didn’t kidnap you?”

“No!” Jensen said frustrated. “He’s a kid for Christ’s sake!”

“And he didn’t… force himself on you?” Agent Morgan asked cautiously.

“What? No! Jesus!” Jensen closed his eyes in frustration. This really wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have half-blind and naked. “Look,” he said, opening his eyes and fixing them on the confused man before him, “I’m gonna get dressed and then we can talk about this.”

Agent Morgan shook his head. “We need your clothes for evidence,” he said.

Jensen gritted his teeth. “I wasn’t kidnapped or, or raped for fuck’s sake. What the hell do you need evidence for?”

Agent Morgan sighed. “Ok, obviously there has been some misunderstanding. Still, we need to take precautions. For one thing you’re covered in bruises, sir. Something obviously happened.”

Jensen waved his hand in frustration. “Yes! A big brute called Miguel was using me as a punching bag when the kid came along and saved me. Saved me, not kidnapped me!” He rolled his eyes when Agent Morgan just watched him thoughtfully. “You say you arrested him? Did you even ask him what happened?”

“He refused to co-operate,” Agent Morgan said.

Jensen opened his mouth to ask where the hell they got the idea of kidnapping in the first place when a couple of paramedics came into the room, carrying a bag of clothes and giving him the same kind of sympathetic look that had been in Agent Morgan’s eyes earlier. Huffing in frustration he accepted the clothes they handed him - sweatpants, a t-shirt and a hoodie - then stubbornly threw the sleeping bag aside and got dressed, hating the way he could feel them studying his bruises.

“Are you hurt, sir?” the female paramedic asked. “Would you like us to have a quick look at you now or wait until we get to the hospital? Whatever you feel is more comfortable.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Jensen growled, pulling his boots on after sending Agent Morgan a glare, daring him to take those away as well. “I’m fine. I wasn’t kidnapped, I wasn’t raped. The only thing that’s wrong with me are you guys. A bunch of idiots bursting in here, waking me up, after arresting the guy who gave me the greatest blowjob of my life. And the fact that I haven’t had coffee yet.” He straightened up. “Don’t tell me, you arrested him while he was buying breakfast. For me. Yeah, that’s a real criminal you’ve got there.”

She blinked then looked at Agent Morgan who gave her a helpless shrug. “Apparently Mr. Ackles wasn’t kidnapped. He was having a one-night-stand with a street kid.”

“Hey!” Jensen protested. “Don’t talk about him like that.”

“Mr. Ackles, listen to me. If what you’re saying is true…” Agent Morgan sighed. “The kid is underage.”

Jensen froze. “What? No, he’s not. He showed me his ID. He’s twenty.”

“He might have showed you an ID but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t his. The kid is sixteen, seventeen tops, which…” Morgan sighed again. “Look, I’m not interested in what you did or didn’t do with him but maybe you shouldn’t be shouting it from the rooftops, ok?”

Jensen swallowed. He felt slightly sick. Not because the kid had been young - hell, he’d been having sex himself way before he was eighteen - but because JT had lied to him. And if he wanted to he could easily have Jensen arrested for messing with a minor. Not that Jensen thought JT would but that didn’t change the fact that he could. Shit. Why the hell had the kid lied to him?

“How about we get out of here, son?” Agent Morgan suggested and Jensen couldn’t help wondering how pathetic he looked, considering that ‘sir’ had been replaced with ‘son’.

“Yeah. Sure,” he said, feeling deflated. He pulled the hoodie tighter around him, missing the soft plaid shirt Jared had loaned him and that was now resting at the bottom of an evidence bag. “Where is he now?” he asked as they were walking down the stairs.

“In juvenile detention until we’ve figured out the charges.”

Jensen stopped and turned around sharply, facing him. “Charges? You can’t charge him if he hasn’t done anything!”

“He had a fake ID and some pills in his pocket which we don’t know what are yet. He might be charged with possession if they turn out to be something illegal. At any rate we need to find out who he is so we can contact his parents.”

Jensen shook his head. He was pretty sure Jared would not appreciate that. “His mom is dead and his dad’s an abusive asshole. Why do you think he ran away in the first place?”

“That’s the sob story he told you?” Agent Morgan gave him a patient smile. “Look, son, obviously you like him but the truth is these kids? They lie. They lie about everything.”


“Maybe he was telling you the truth. It’s possible. But for a kid like that having a rich guy like you practically fall in his lap… It would be a too good opportunity to pass up.”

“He didn’t lie,” Jensen said stubbornly, even if he was anything but sure. “And he didn’t help me because I’m rich. He thought I was a hooker for Christ’s sake!” He blushed when Agent Morgan gave him a weird look. “I might have been wearing clothes that were a little too tight. Look, it doesn’t matter,” he huffed frustrated. “He didn’t do anything and so there’s no reason for you to hold him.”

Agent Morgan held his gaze for a moment but then he shrugged. “I’ll see what I can do. First thing first. We need to let your parents know you’re alright and you have to give a statement. And I would really appreciate it if you let a doctor look you over, just as a precaution.”

“I’m fine,” Jensen muttered. “I just want to get this over with and have some coffee. And I want to see JT, make sure he’s alright.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Agent Morgan repeated calmly. “Now please, sir, after you.” He indicated the stairs and Jensen continued down, scowling.

“Where the hell did you get the idea I’d been kidnapped anyway?” he asked angry. “I wouldn’t think my parents had even noticed I was gone.”

“Someone called in demanding ransom.”

Jensen stopped again, so abruptly this time that Agent Morgan almost walked into him and shoved him down the stairs. “What?”

“Last night. Sounded like a young man, possibly teenager. Said he had you at knifepoint and was prepared to cut your throat if your parents didn’t pay him a million dollars.” He nodded at Jensen’s shocked expression. “Your car had just been recovered in a random chop raid a couple of blocks from here, with your phone and wallet still in the front seat. Guess they hadn’t had time to even strip it yet. Things got moving pretty fast after that. We found out where it had been stolen and have since been searching the neighborhood. Someone said they saw you with this JT kid and we were staking the place this morning when we saw him sneaking around the building.”

“And you just arrested him, based on…?”

Agent Morgan shrugged. “He tried to run.”

“Well, of course then he must be guilty,” Jensen said sarcastic. “He’s underage and living on the street. I’d be more surprised if he didn’t run.”

“Well, there’s that…”

Jensen glared at him disgusted before turning around and hurrying down the stairs. The faster he got all this crap over with the faster he could see JT again. Poor kid probably thought Jensen was hanging him out to dry. Dammit.


Someone banged the bars behind Jared for the hundredth time or so it seemed, making him nearly jump out of his skin. He gritted his teeth at the laughter his reaction invoked. He’d been in there less than an hour and had already been propositioned to take part in various acts he really had no interest in. Most of them involving his ass. He sat curled up on the bench, back to the other cell that was filled to the brink with last night’s brawlers, hookers and minor criminals. Only reason he got his own cell was because he was so young but he knew it was only a matter of time before he’d get company. Rules were rules but limited space was limited space and the other cell couldn’t really take many more. He closed his eyes and hummed under his breath to keep out the noise of one of the hustlers ‘giving’ service to a couple of bikers. At least they were just demanding blowjobs. For now.

When the door to his cell suddenly opened he jumped to his feet, straightening up to his full height in hope that whoever was joining him would be at least a little intimidated. Then blinked in surprise when Chad was shoved in, a mad grin on his face.

“Hey, bitch! Whazzup!” he yelled, like they were at a party, not locked up in a goddamn cell.

“Chad, what the hell are you doing here?” Jared hissed, trying to conceal how relieved he was to see him. Being in jail with Chad definitely beat being in jail alone.

“Heard you got yourself arrested and figured you could use some company.” Chad grinned and Jared couldn’t help smiling back.

“They just let you in?” he asked incredulous.

Chad frowned. “You know, you’d think they would, but no. Had to convince them I was a bad, bad boy and needed to be locked up.”

Jared groaned. “What did you do?”

“Peed. In the lobby.” Chad smirked at Jared’s shocked expression. “Also I might have said something less than flattering to a certain officer.”

“Jesus, Chad. Don’t tell me you called Cassidy a pretty prostitute. Again.”

“Ok, I won’t tell you.”

Jared couldn’t help laughing. “One day she’s going to beat you into a bloody pulp, you moron.”

“Nah, she has the hots for me,” Chad said cocky. “She wouldn’t want to mess with this nice package.”

“Whatever.” Jared sat down again and Chad joined him on the bench, glaring at the thugs eyeing them on the other side of the bars.

“Those guys give you any trouble?” he asked quietly.

Jared shook his head. “Just talk, you know.” He swallowed, dropping his gaze. “Dude, I don’t know what’s going on but it’s bad. It’s bad, man. They say I’m being charged with kidnap and rape. Me! I don’t understand anything!”

Chad didn’t answer and when Jared looked over he saw that his friends face was flushed and he wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Chad, what’s going on?”

“Uhm… I might have…” Chad cleared his throat. “I mentioned the guy we saved to Sophia and she went crazy, man. Did you know his dad owns like half of LA or something? We’re talking billions, ok? So I thought… I thought maybe we could get some of that, you know, as a thank-you for saving the guy’s ass from Miguel.”

Jared stared at him. “What did you do? Chad, what the fuck did you do?”

“I didn’t…! Ok, so maybe I called his dad’s company and… uhm… told them we had his son and that… uhm… we might want some money?”

“What!” Jared was on his feet in an instant, fist in Chad’s shirt. “Are you fucking crazy? You told them we’d kidnapped him? What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Hey, calm down. Just… chill, man. It’s alright. He’ll tell them it’s not true, right? You were with him so he can vouch for you, that you didn’t make that call. They can’t prove anything, ok? They’ll finally figure it was just a prank and we’re good to go. So just relax, man.”

Jared glared at him. “Relax? Jensen probably thinks I’m a fucking felon now. He’s gonna think I set him up, man.”

Chad rolled his eyes. “So? What do you care? He’s a pretty little rich boy, man. He already thinks we’re the dirt of the earth.”

“You don’t know him. He’s nice, ok? He…” Jared swallowed. “He’s a nice guy.”

“Oh shit.” Chad stared at him, pale. “You didn’t! Jesus fuck. Jared, are you insane?”

Jared let him abruptly go, his face heating. “I think we’ve established you are the crazy one,” he mumbled but Chad didn’t even seem to hear him.

“You fucked?” he asked instead. “You fucked him? Please don’t tell me you fucked him.” He groaned. “Oh jeez, I’m gonna be sick.”

“What the hell is your problem?” Jared said angry. “What if I did?”

Chad flailed his arms. “I told them we’d raped him and we’d do it again if they didn’t pay us a million dollars, that’s what!”

Jared stared at him. Even if they hadn’t actually gone that far he’d still left his DNA all over Jensen’s body. “I’m a dead man,” he said dazed. “You’re a dead man. Oh God, we’re going to prison. I’m going to die in prison.”

“No. No you’re not. Listen to me,” Chad said, his voice shaking. “They have no proof, ok? I called from a pay phone. Jensen will tell them you didn’t do anything. We’re gonna be ok.”

Before Jared could tell him to stick his lousy reassurance where the sun didn’t shine they heard footsteps approaching and suddenly the lock clicked and the door swung open, revealing a tall man in a nice tailored suit, looking at them with disgust. Jared and Chad stared back, equally pale.

“Take him to an interrogation room,” the man said and turned around, walking away.

An officer slapped handcuffs on Jared’s wrist and he barely had time to throw Chad a panicked glance before he was being shoved and pushed along the hall and up some stairs, finally being shown into a room with a table and two chairs.

“Sit down,” one of the officers said and then left, locking the door behind him.

‘This look like it’s gonna be ok to you, you goddamn psycho?’ Jared silently cursed his inner Chad. Chad didn’t reply, not that Jared had expected him to.

He sat waiting for what felt like forever but was probably close to an hour. Suddenly the door opened and the suited man came in, closing the door behind him. He put a leather briefcase on the table and sat down, then pulled out some files and spread them out, still not saying anything.

“Look,” Jared finally said in exasperation, “clearly there has been some kind of misunderstanding. I didn’t kidnap anyone. I certainly didn’t rape anyone. If you just talk to Jensen…”

“Mr. Ackles has filed charges of kidnapping and sexual assault,” the man said in a cold voice, not looking up. “You’re looking at lifetime in prison, kid, so I suggest you work on that attitude.”

Jared blinked slowly. “What?” he said, laughing a little. “No. That can’t… You’re kidding, right?”

The man in front of him finally lifted his head, giving him a cold stare. “I never kid and certainly not about something as grave as this.” He didn’t wait for Jared’s answer, but got back to reading the papers in front of him.

Not that Jared had any idea what to say anyway. He just stared at the man, feeling numb. Jensen had… what? That just wasn’t possible. The Jensen he knew would never do a thing like that.

‘But you don’t know him,’ a small voice inside his head reminded him. ‘You have no idea what he’s like. He’s a perfect stranger and guess what? He fucked you over.’

“Look,” Jared finally said, voice shaking a little, “I don’t know what he told you but that’s not what happened, ok? I saved him from being beaten up and then offered him a place for the night. That’s all.”

The man gave a small sound that sounded like disgust. “So you did not have any kind of sexual contact with Mr. Ackles while he stayed at your… ‘home’?”

Jared blushed. “Well, yeah. I did. But it wasn’t assault. I didn’t… He wanted it.”

“Of course. Never heard that one before,” the man said sarcastic.

“Jesus.” Jared rubbed his face. He felt slightly sick. “He kissed me, ok? And I… We did some stuff but it was all consensual. I didn’t force him to do anything. You have to believe me.”

The man stilled, then slowly put his pen down before looking up, blue eyes piercing his. “Mr. Ackles comes from one of the wealthiest families in the United States. He is making plans to get married this spring. He spends more money before breakfast than you will accumulate in your lifetime. Does this sound like a man that would willingly spend the night in an abandoned building with someone like you? Who would willingly have sex with you? A filthy whoring street kid that probably has more diseases than the whole continent of Africa and is just as likely to slit a man’s throat during the night? Really, Mr. Travers, how stupid do you think I am?”

“Maybe he just liked me,” Jared spit out, his face burning in humiliation. “You ever think of that?”

“I’ve spent less than twenty minutes with you, Mr. Travers, and I already loath you,” the man said dismissively.

“Believe me, the feeling is mutual,” Jared gritted out. “Who the fuck are you anyway?”

“Tom Welling, the Ackles’ family lawyer.” Welling gave him a small humorless smile. “I’m the one that is going to put you away for a very, very long time for messing with what is mine to protect, Mr. Travers.”

Chills ran down Jared’s spine. This was not good. This was very, very bad. “I want to speak to Jensen,” he said in a trembling voice. “I want to hear him say it.”

“Mr. Ackles is still in the hospital. He is beaten, bruised and traumatized and he has no wish to ever see you again.” Mr. Welling gave him another cold stare. “And I have the family’s permission to do everything in my power to make sure he doesn’t have to. Including, but not limited to, throwing you into the cage with last night’s pickings.”

Jared blinked. Then he scrambled out of his chair, fell to the floor and promptly threw up. When he finally got up, drying spit off his chin on the sleeve of his shirt, Mr. Welling was still sitting in his chair, going through the files like nothing had happened. Jared sat slowly back down. He felt lightheaded, he was so scared he could hardly breathe and he really, really wished he’d never set eyes on Jensen fucking Ackles.

“I’m not…” He swallowed. He hated having to do this but he was painted into a corner with no way out. “My name isn’t John Travers,” he said more firmly, hoping he didn’t sound as small as he felt. “It’s Jared Tristan Padalecki and I’m… I’m only seventeen. If you do this I’ll… I’ll have to tell the judge that and he can charge Jen… Mr. Ackles with statutory rape. I’ll say he was the one who came after me. That… that he offered me money for… for sex. And when I didn’t want to he…” He stopped, too disgusted with himself to continue.

Mr. Welling looked at him thoughtful. He didn’t seem surprised in the least. “Did he rape you? Will we find evidence of that? Any bruises, torn tissue, anything?”

Jared deflated. “No,” he admitted then frowned. “But… no way you found any on him!”

Mr. Welling looked at one of the files in front of him. “A severe head injury resulting in a mild concussion. Bruised throat, arms and stomach. Scrapes on his back and knees. Semen on his body that will no doubt match your DNA. No signs of anal penetration but,” he said and looked up at Jared, eyes cold, “oral still counts, Mr. Padalecki.”

“I was the one who blew him!” Jared protested. “I didn’t… He only jerked me off, ok?”

“Right.” The lawyer gathered his papers, stacking them neatly before looking up at Jared, eyes calculating. “Look, son, let me be straight with you. No judge is going to take your word over his and the evidence is on his side. Even if only half of the charges stick you’re still looking at at least ten years. And a boy like you? Will not make it ten years in prison.”

“I don’t want to go to prison,” Jared admitted in a choked voice. “I didn’t do anything. I was just trying to help him.”

Mr. Welling nodded slowly. “Strangely enough I’m inclined to believe you.”

Jared’s head snapped up. “You believe me?” he whispered. “God, I beg you. Help me! I didn’t do anything. I’m not that kind of person. I would never…”

“Whether I believe you or not doesn’t really change anything,” the lawyer cut in. “It’s still Mr. Ackles’ word against yours and he… he’s a smooth talker. Sympathetic, well known. Rich. And he knows how to play a crowd.”

Jared stared at him. “What?”

“Oh come on,” Mr. Welling snorted. “You didn’t think you were the first boy he’s had to explain away to his father? Once it was Rohypnol, once he 'honestly thought he was a girl'.” He rolled his eyes. “The boy has been lying to his father his whole life. You think he has any qualms lying in court?”

Jared tried to fit the picture the lawyer was painting with the man he’d met the night before. He couldn’t but that didn’t really mean anything, not if Jensen was the skilled liar Welling said he was. And he had known Jensen for way longer than Jared had.

“What… what should I do?” he asked in a small voice. “I’ll do anything. I don’t want to go to prison. Please.”

“Anything?” Mr. Welling asked quietly. “Are you sure?”

Jared swallowed, then nodded. “Yeah. I’m sure.”

The lawyer held his gaze a long time, then nodded. “I might be able to get him to drop the charges if you do something for him in return. Mr. Ackles has… many interests. Some with questionable people. Finding reliable middle men can be tricky.”

Jared frowned. “What do you mean?”

Mr. Welling smiled. It reminded Jared of a snake and he couldn’t help shivering. What the hell was he getting himself into?

“Let’s first get you out of here, shall we?” the man said, sliding the files back into his briefcase. “Then we’ll worry about the details.”


“Dad, this is ridiculous!” Jensen growled, tugging at the IV in his hand. “There’s nothing wrong with me! What the hell is in this anyway?” he added, glaring at the clear solution in the bag. “If you’re feeding me sedatives again I’ll tell mom about the time you spiked her drink with Valium.”

“Jensen, stop it,” his father said calmly, not even looking up from his magazine. “The only reason they sedated you was because they needed to do some tests and you were behaving like a lunatic, refusing to cooperate.”

“Because there’s nothing wrong with me!” Jensen once again pointed out but his father just waved his hand dismissively.

“We couldn’t know that. If nothing else the place they found you in was anything but sanitary. Who knows what you could have caught there? Not to mention…” He glanced up at Jensen, arching one eyebrow. “Well.”

“Oh for Christ’s sake!” Jensen huffed, rolling his eyes. “So I had sex with a guy! What do you care? You’ve always known I had boyfriends in college.”

His father flipped another page in the magazine. “I don’t care. Fuck a goat if that’s what you want.” He grimaced slightly. “At least the goat might be clean.”

“You’re disgusting, you know that?” Jensen spit out. “Jesus Christ, dad, you’re talking about a human being! A really nice kid who saved me from being beaten and possibly killed. How about some gratitude? And why the hell is it taking so long getting him out of jail?”

Alan Ackles clenched his jaw and at last put aside the magazine before looking up, his eyes cold. “Jensen. Drop the attitude and use your brain for five minutes. You had sex with a street kid. You know what these kids do to support themselves and their habits? They whore themselves out. That’s what they do. They have sex with idiots like you who think with their dicks instead of their brains.” He silenced Jensen with a glare when he tried to object. “What kind of tests do you think we’re running? STD tests, Jensen, that’s what. HIV ring a bell? AIDS, Jensen. Something a man with your preferences should be well informed of.”

Jensen glared back. He was so angry he really wanted to rip the goddamn IV out of his hand and storm out of there. Unfortunately that would mean flashing the whole hospital his ass, considering he had no clothes besides the hospital gown they’d made him put on. He’d had enough humiliation today to last him a lifetime, thank you very much.

“First off,” he said in as calm a voice as he could manage, “HIV is not a gay disease, dad. Hasn’t been in a long time. Second, JT isn’t a rent boy. He told me himself he doesn’t do that and I believe he was telling the truth. Third…”

“He did you,” his father cut in, “and I have a hard time believing you were the first one. Unless you really think you are that special.”

That stung because he knew he wasn’t. Not in his father’s eyes or anyone else’s for that matter. But JT had made him feel like maybe he was. Like maybe he was more than just the middle child, the one that was barely worth his father’s time or his mother’s effort.

“Third,” he continued never the less, refusing to let his father see how much the words affected him, “I’m not an irresponsible teenager. I actually know how to protect myself.”

“There were no condoms found on the premises,” his dad coldly pointed out. “Well, no used ones anyway.”

“Not all gay sex is about taking it up the ass, dad,” Jensen said sarcastically, not mentioning that they hadn’t used a condom when JT blew him. He knew how stupid that was but at the time he hadn’t really thought of it.

His father didn’t even flinch at the crude choice of words. He’d gone back to his magazine, pretending not to hear Jensen’s angry growls. It was really starting to piss Jensen off.

“You didn’t answer my question,” he said loudly. “Why is it taking so long getting JT out? He didn’t do anything. It’s already been confirmed those pills were just painkillers. Probably meant them for me.”

“Tom is taking care of it,” Alan said, finally looking up with a sigh. “What on earth do you plan to do with that boy anyway? I won’t have him in the house, Jensen.”

“‘That boy’ saved my life,” Jensen pointed out. “You keep forgetting that. Or maybe you just don’t care.”

His father sighed again, putting away the magazine as he stood up. “Of course I care, Jensen. I’m very glad you’re not hurt. But you never should have been there in the first place. It was stupid, son. Stupid and childish, running away like that.”

“I don’t think you can call it running away at my age,” Jensen said annoyed, echoing JT’s words. “I was moving out. I’m not a kid anymore, dad. It’s time I found my own place.”

Alan held his gaze for a while then shrugged. “If that’s what you want. Might do you some good, help you grow up. Lord knows it’s about time.”

Before Jensen could answer the door opened and Tom Welling, their family lawyer, stepped inside, closing the door behind him. Jensen’s jaw tightened when Tom didn’t as much as look his way, like he was of no more importance than the chair by the bed. Jensen didn’t like the man, never had. He’d taken over the family’s account when Tom Welling senior died a couple of years ago and as nice as the old man had been his son was an arrogant stuck up creep. He always treated Jensen as if he was the dirt under his shoes while sucking up to Alan Ackles like the worst kind of leech.

“What took you so long?” Jensen asked impatient. “Where’s JT?”

Tom didn’t even spare him a glance before turning to Alan, whispering something in his ear. Jensen couldn’t see his father’s face because he had his back to the bed but he could clearly see the shift in the man’s shoulders as he tensed. Without further words Tom quietly let himself out the door, leaving them alone.

“What is it?” Jensen asked when his father didn’t immediately face him. “Dad, what did he say?”

“There has been an… incident.” Alan turned slowly around. His face was serious and his eyes held something Jensen couldn’t remember ever seeing there before. It almost looked like pity. “I’m afraid the boy…” He paused, dropping his eyes. “He got into a fight in jail and… He’s dead, Jensen. I’m sorry.”

“What?” Jensen just stared at him. “No. No, he’s not. He can’t be. He… No.”

“I really am sorry, son. He did after all save your life. I wish I’d gotten the chance to thank him for it.”

“You would have if you hadn’t had him put in jail! Then he wouldn’t be…” Jensen hitched his breath, the reality of his father’s words suddenly hitting him. “He’s… dead?” he asked, his voice breaking.

Alan nodded. “They think his head got smashed into the wall and that’s what killed him. It’s hard to tell, he was beaten up pretty badly. There was a gang of bikers and apparently they took offence to him being… gay.”

Jensen didn’t really hear him. He was too busy throwing up.

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big bang, cwrps fic, fic 2009, fic, pairing: jensen/jared, genre: rps, taking turns, genre: au

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