(no subject)

Nov 20, 2008 19:58

Did Gmail change its color scheme or am I just going insane? Both reasons are just as likely. Never mind.

Just got home an hour ago. Long day. First there was a school thingy with the girl, they sang, read poetry and did a little play (she was a rock. Best rock ever, I told her, and she scowled at me. lol) and line dancing. Considering the theme was the Icelandic language that seemed a little off center.

Then drive hubby to his work before going to mine. Then work. Then drive home to get the girl and drive back to work because they were having a Xmas thingy, making cards and wrist warmers and having cocoa and waffles. It was fun even if I think I made my wrist warmers too small. *pouts* Then finally home again where hubby had dinner ready but had to leave before he had time to eat any. So now I'm just waiting for it to be eight o'clock so I can put the kids to bed and crash on the couch.

Yeah, no writing today except for some scribbling in my notebook during lunch. Maybe I'll do some tonight if I'm not too tired. *yawns*

I have my first physical therapy session tomorrow. I felt stupid and called to ask if I was supposed to bring something or wear something special. She told me to just come in my regular clothes since the first time is just evaluation and stuff. I should have time to watch SPN before I go, hopefully. I guess my tension level will depend upon how that goes? (DON'T SPOIL ME!) And hubby's gonna pick up the kids tomorrow so I'm going writing after work. I hope I'll be in the zone, I really want to finish this before the end of month but I doubt I will.

Here have a snippet. Nothing earth shattering, I just thought it was cute:

They start walking again, Jared still holding his hand, seemingly without realising. He’s deep in thought, brow furrowed and mouth slightly twisted. It isn’t until they finally reach the small coffee house and try to squeeze together through the door that he abruptly lets go of Jensen’s hand, blushing slightly as he just realized what he’d been doing. Jensen just smiles and pretends it’s perfectly normal, like he walks around the city holding hands with guys all the time.

“Hey, Jensen!” the girl behind the counter says happily as they walk in the door and he gives her a bright smile. “Where have you been?”

“Hey, Susie,” he says. “Oh, you know, somewhere.” She laughs. “How are you? How’s art?”

“Oh you know, being a bitch.” They laugh again, the joke an old one.

“Susan’s an aspiring artist,” Jensen tells Jared, suddenly remembering his manners. “Susie, this is Jared.”

“Hi, Jared.” She grins at him, wiping her palm on the apron before offering him her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too, miss,” Jared says, smiling widely, as he envelopes her small hand in his.

“Oh, I like him. He’s a handsome one,” she tells Jensen and winks. “So what can I get you?”

“Uh…” Jared glances at Jensen and he grins.

“Jared had a tough night last night. And he’s a growing boy. Just feed him what you’ve got. It’s on me.”

“Not sure how much more growing he should do but whatever you say, Jensen. And you, the usual?”

Jensen nods.

“You two look like you need to talk,” she says, her eyes kind. “The corner booth is free and I’ll keep the next one clear. Just go sit down, I’ll bring you your food and coffee.”

He gives her a grateful smile. “Thank you.”

He’s starting to feel nervous and wonders if it’s that obvious. All the words he needs (but isn’t sure he wants) to say, are crawling under his skin, itching like fire ants. He’s already spilled more than he feels comfortable with but he’d promised Jared he would tell him everything and it’s not like he could lie to him anyway.

He smiles at Jared across the table, the distance it forces between them weird after being so close. He can feel the heat from Jared’s legs on his bare ankles under the table, which is when he realizes he forgot to put on socks. His feet are gonna stink, being bare in those sneakers.

Maybe he should ask Chris to add that to the check list, “Make sure you’re wearing all your clothes!” The thought makes him chuckle, suddenly picturing himself running out in nothing but his underwear. He’s not quite that crazy.

“What’s so funny?” Jared asks, bringing him back to the present. “Share the joke, dude.”

“Just picturing myself in my underwear,” Jensen says without thinking, then freezes when Jared stares at him. “Uh… I mean… I forgot to put on socks.”

Jared blinks then shakes his head, smiling slightly. “So what’s your usual?” he asks, his voice almost teasing.

Jensen shrugs, shooting a glance to make sure Susan can’t hear him before whispering, “I have no idea. I’ve never really paid attention.” He frowns when something suddenly occurs to him. “God, I hope it includes coffee.”

Jared stares at him for a moment before suddenly bursting out laughing. “You are so…” he shakes his head, obviously not finding the right word.

“Weird?” Jensen suggests, smiling to make sure Jared knows he doesn’t mind.

“No, funny! You are so funny.” He looks absolutely delighted so Jensen doesn’t think he means it in a bad way. “Christ, you are like a box of chocolates, I never know what I’m gonna get. You keep surprising me, all the time.” Jared reaches across the table and grabs his hand, squeezing it slightly. “I can’t wait to get to know this you, this grown up you.”

VERY rough draft, unbeta'd and not even read over much. Just so you know.

work, teasers, kids, writing

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