Good day today. I'm feeling happy and productive and creative. Yay!
Spent a long time working through those 11.000 words of possible fic-gone-bad and ended up with something much better that actually works. Then wrote about 2000 more words. Damn, I'm good! (
winchesterxgirl, I sent you a teaser. Hope you like. *g*)
I'm really loving the characters in this. (I was a bit worried about the transition from adolescence to adulthood but I think it's working out okay.) Jensen in particular, he's taken residence in my heart and is constantly demanding more room. It's almost as bad (or good, depends how you look at it, lol) as Mirror!Jensen's hold on my heart. These are not just characters on paper, these boys are as much alive to me as any person I know and love. There's really no other way to describe it. It's like an obsession, like being in love, writing Jensen's story. I think about it all the time, awake and asleep. Every song reminds me of a certain feeling he's had, people I see on the street become him and give me ideas of how he would act or look under certain circumstances. I kiss my husband and think, this is how they kiss. I touch him and think this is how Jared's skin feels under Jensen's fingertips. My fingers don't have time to write everything down that my mind wants to say. It's like trying to catch a bucket of water in a small glass, it just spills everywhere and soaks into the ground before I can recapture it. Which can be really really frustrating because I'm so worried I'll forget something important but at the same time it allows me to make up new scenes and bring in new ideas all the time.
So yes, I guess that means I'm in love with my own writing. Which sounds totally lame and bigheaded but I don't care because I'M IN LOVE!! God, I love those boys. *squishes them*
[ETA. Erm... I'm not drunk, I SWEAR! Also, because otherwise hubby will sulk: I love you most of all, scarecrow
mr_felis. And I swear I don't picture Jensen and Jared in my head when we're having sex. *coughs*]