2 Jsquared drabbles

Sep 23, 2008 00:46

for hellziggy. Her own icon. Jensen/Jared (unrequited) 200 words.

Pixel Perfect

As far as Jared knows, Jensen took up photography to waste away the hours of waiting between scenes. After all, that’s what he’d told Jared.

“Can’t play PSP all the time, Jare,” he’d said and cracked his knuckles. “Damn thing’s giving me carpal tunnel syndrome.”

“Sure dude, blame it on the game,” Jared had snorted and made a jerk-off motion with his fist. Jensen hadn’t blushed but it was pretty close. Instead he’d snapped a picture of Jared’s obscene gesture and threatened to email it to his mother. Then ran like hell.

But anyway, photography. He’s got an eye for it, he knows that. Sees art where other people only see all things ordinary.

Like that innocent mole on Jared’s nose. Or the curve of Jared’s dimple, denting his cheek when he smiles. Or the sweep of his hair falling into his eyes. Or Jared’s long fingers, resting slightly curled on his stomach when he dozes off in his chair. To everyone else it’s just Jared. To Jensen it’s proof of God’s existence and His goodwill toward man. More specifically, Jensen himself.

Can anyone really blame him for wanting every single pixel of that wonder documented on his hard drive?

for bittersweet_art Icon by speakfree Jensen. Warnings for death and destruction. (sorry) 100 words.

I'll Follow You Into The Dark

They say he just snapped. That’s the popular opinion. That Dean became too much for him, his pain blurring the lines in Jensen’s head until there were none. He always was too method, they say. Wasn’t normal, him knowing Dean better than those who created him. Like Dean was a part of him. Like he was real. Like it was all real, the monsters and demons. And Sam. Especially Sam. And when that horrible thing happened, when Jared… Ain’t no Dean without Sam. That’s what the Ackles boy said. Famous last words, eh?

Car’s a wreck, they say. Goddamn shame.

[ETA. You don't like death and destruction? *snorfle* Now uncut for your pleasure erm... something.

pairing: jensen/jared, fic 2008, cwrps drabbles, icondrabbles, drabbles

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