Aug 03, 2008 23:25
Just got back from watching The Dark Knight.
Quick question, no spoilers: I thought there was an "In Loving Memory..." for Heath Ledger somewhere in the credits? I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that there was but I didn't see it and we waited almost to the end. And frankly if it came that late that almost everyone is out of the theatre I think that's pretty lousy timing. I was surprised and rather disappointed because I had braced myself for it and kinda wanted that emotional punch in my gut after watching his brilliant performance.
It was weird I must say, watching him, all the while thinking this was pretty much the role that killed him. Which, ok, I know is not really what happened but if he hadn't been so emotionally drained, as it was said he was, from playing such a character, maybe... I don't know. *sighs*
If nothing else I think this movie shows what an amazing talent he was and still it gives only a hint of what he could have become. *is sad*
Ps. I won't vouch for there not being spoilers in comments, if there are any comments that is. But then again I guess most people have seen it by now.
people: heath ledger