Drabble: Everybody's Got Something To Hide (Except Me And My Monkey). CWRPS. Gen.

Apr 03, 2008 09:14


If I had any doubts about my flist being slash centric. lol

Well, how about some crack? Written in a comment a couple of days ago and cleaned up a bit last night. 300 words.

Everybody's Got Something To Hide (Except Me And My Monkey)

When Jensen turns twenty his co-stars at Days get him a baby monkey for his birthday.

Seriously, he's not sure what they were thinking because for one thing? He killed all his goldfish when he was a kid and he has a feeling a monkey's a lot more work. And second, the damn thing poops, like everywhere. He buys it tiny little diapers and tries to get used to the stench of monkey poo, constantly thrust in his face. Cos the little pooper is creepily affectionate, clinging to him like... well, a monkey. Plus it keeps pulling on his hair and trying to pick his nose. You know, when it’s not humping his leg.

In the end he has to let it go. The zoo he takes it to promises they'll take good care of it and he swallows the guilt burning his throat as he tugs his hair free from its little monkey hands, giving it over. He doesn't look back as he walks away but he can still feel its sad little eyes gazing confused after him.

Six years later he meets Jared Padalecki. Who tugs at his hair, tries to pick his nose and humps his leg, and wherever Jensen goes he can feel Jared’s puppy eyes following him.

Jensen's pretty sure tiny monkeys can't turn into gigantic human beings but he calls the zoo anyway.

"Oh yeah, I remember that little guy. Jared, right? Weirdest thing, really. It was having a little free-range time in the caretaker's garden and just disappeared. Never found it. Probably taken by a stray cat or something. I'm sorry."

Jensen hangs up and stares out the window at Jared who’s climbing a tree out in the yard, a half-eaten banana in his hand.

Well, at least he's housetrained now.

genre: rps, pairing: jensen/jared, fic 2008, cwrps drabbles, drabbles

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