I just invited my mother over for coffee and cake and then handed her a book with 1)
In a Mirror Distorted And Indistinct 2)
A Moment Of Normalcy (In Our Life of Chaos) 3)
Even God's Simplest Creatures 4)
Trapped and 5)
Gen SPN drabbles [ETA> Sorry for the code fuckup]
I then did a quick overview of the series so far to explain what each story was inspired by, followed by an explanation of RPF and then ventured onto the unique community that fandom is which lead to explaining slash (which I hadn't planned on, that's why there were no Buffyverse stories because they are all slash. The Mirror fic is different because... it just is, ok?) and that that's what I mainly write (she didn't even blink, just smiled a little) and then I sent her home to read.
Please excuse me while I hyperventilate. *breathes into a paper bag*
Godohgodohgod... I think some alcohol is in order.
Ps. In other much more exciting and uplifting news:
Jared and Sandy are indeed engaged! (As if we didn't already know. *g*) Congrats! Paris? Jared, you romantic young man you. *g*