Feb 26, 2008 12:57
So... sugar daddy? One word or two? *frowns*
I called the clinic and the doctor will call me tomorrow to get details so he can write me one of those sick receipts. What the hell do you call them? I've been trying to remember all week and it's just not happening. Anyway, I need it to hand in at work for my sick days.
Hubby and my mom are shaking their fingers at me, telling me I'm not even gonna think about going to work this week. Considering I couldn't sleep the night before last because my breathing was so shallow I thought I was gonna pass out and that I can't walk without leaning on the wall because the world keeps tilting to the side (always the right side, what's that about?) I'm thinking they might be right. If for no other reason than I don't think I'm fit to drive without risking killing people, myself included, and shouldn't be out too long because of the cold I really have no way of even getting to work. Because I'm not paying 3000 ISK for a taxi.
Anyway, I'm trying to write but it's hard because of all the tilting (seriously I'm sitting down and I feel like I'm leaning all the time. It's very annoying) and the lack of concentration since my eyes keep glazing over. But I hate to admit defeat since I'm more than half way done with this story and even though I of course can post it just here after the deadline, whenever I finish, where's the fun in that? *pouts*
Can anyone point me in the direction of some nice Alec icons? You know, from Dark Angel. Me haz a renewed crush and needs some goodies.
character: alec,
tv: dark angel,