(no subject)

Dec 30, 2007 18:22

I just asked hubby to go out in the horrible weather to buy me coffee and donuts. That means I'm better, yes? He was kind enough to agree seeing as he had to go to the store anyway we just had sex. Proving once again that orgasms make men agree to anything. Seriously, it's a hurricane out there and he hardly batted an eye. *pets him*

Anyway, after four days of toast and Cheerios, coffee and donuts will probably make my stomach wonder what drugs I'm on (none, not anymore) but I don't care. Me wants!

We decided to stay home for New Year's Eve. We've usually stayed at my brother's but they decided to go to his wife's sister instead and since no one else has formerly invite us we're just gonna be here. The inlaws would love to have us, I know, but I'm happy about staying home. Besides, the weather is gonna be even worse than now, I think, so the fireworks are going to be at a minimum anyway. Probably be more at the 6th of January instead. (Last day of Christmas, that's the night the elves come out to dance so we have big bonfires and shoot fireworks, again.)

I should do the year in review, fic wise I mean. The numbers are depressingly low though. About half of what they were in 2006 and 1/3 of 2005. Although those are not exact numbers seeing as I used to post drabbles one post at a time and now group them together. *ponders* I'll ring them up and do a wordcount, maybe that will make it look more impressive. *frowns*

I really wanted to post one last story before this year was out but that's not happening. November and December have been very poor in this aspect. Of course in November there was NaNo. In December however it was just me, being unproductive and unable to finish anything although I've been writing like crazy. One lousy fic, that's all. Damn depressing. *sighs*

new year, health, writing

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