Nov 06, 2007 23:35
I have not written a single word for my NaNo today. I took a nap when I came home and then I read some fic and then I ate and the last 3 hours I've been spending organizing my SPN pic folders.
Pics now have descriptive names such as pink01.jpg or manlyhugs3.jpg or twink24.jpg. Then there's car06.jpg and cwgreen11.jpg, not to mention greywall4.jpg, which I did consider renaming hustlerboys4.jpg. Jared has quite a few in the 'beanie' catagory and the 'couch' catagory. Jensen has his very own 'horse' catagory and one named 'scruff'. And still about 75% of the pics are uncatagorised or unnamed, they just have numbers. There are 522 Jensen pics, 350 Jared pics, 301 Both pics, 30 manips/art and 160 Getty pics I haven't gone through yet. And still I know this is like a drop in the ocean compared to what some of you have. lol
My head was just totally not in the right place for writing today but this of course pushes me even further back so now I'm approx 5000 words behind schedule. *headdesk*
I'm starting to think I was insane to think I could do this. And ever since I started my head has been bursting with fanfic ideas, which is seriously not helping! But honestly, I'm not gonna have a meltdown if I don't manage 50.000 words in November. If I only manage 20.000 it still means I've got 20.000 words more of a novel I didn't think I'd ever write. And that's quite something.