(no subject)

Oct 07, 2007 21:50

Although most of the blame can certainly be laid on the lunar cycle I'm quite sure those Jared pics didn't help. Ow, ovaries, ow! If this is supposed to be our most fertile time of the month Nature got it all wrong because hell if I want to have sex when it feels as if my eggs are exploding!

I finally have hubby back but he's coughing and snivelling and, even if my ovaries weren't being all owie, snot and germs do not sexy husband make. *sighs* And all my toys need new batteries. It's like trying to fly across the Atlantic in a glider, it starts off well enough but you never quite get there.

I just lent both my Supernatural DVD box sets to my sisters. S1 to the youngest and S2 to the middle one. Spreading the love, yo! Of course now I feel all lonely and empty since I don't have my boys to hug and rub against my boobs. *pouts* Fortunately I have S2 on the hard drive if I get a craving.

I also let them have Bones S1 and 2, Prison Break S1 and 2 and some movies from our hard drive. Been keeping Bones for mum for over a year but they didn't have a working USB slot on their computer and now they do.

Man, this weekend went by fast, didn't it? Fortunately it's only a three day week for me and then there's fall break.

On Tuesday we're having parent teacher interviews both at the kg and the daughter's school. We asked for extended time with the daughter's teacher so we can talk to her about the gay name calling thing. Remember how proud I was of my girl? Well, a couple of days ago she did the same thing to her brother. I ripped her a new one, told her how disappointed I was with her. She seemed genuinely ashamed so I'm hoping that will never happen again. God, I'm just... I'm not sure how we will approach it with her teacher but I will not stand for this.

And then on Wednesday I have to take the little guy to both have his ears checked and his eyes. Two different doctors in two different places with only about an hour between. I just hope they don't make us wait too long at the first place or we'll be in trouble. Chances are he'll have to get glasses, seems he can't see to well with his left eye. I'm just hoping his apparent lack of hearing on one ear is due to too much wax stuffing it and not actual hearing loss. *crosses fingers* Would explain his delayed and rather hard to understand speech. It's like, he talks all the time and he says full sentences with all the little words and everything, it's just very hard to understand him because he mumbles. Of course I couldn't say 'r' until I was 5...

Well, we'll see what happens.

Thursday and Friday are earmarked for writing. But we all know how lucky I am with my breaks. *crosses fingers for no sicknesses, deaths or divorces this time* Managed three hours yesterday while the inlaws took the kids and then I've been writing some at nights when everyone else has gone to sleep but it's not exactly helping with my exhaustion and dizziness. I feel like I'm moving all the time, even when I'm sitting still. Like when you've been on a train or a horse for too many hours and your body thinks you're still moving. Last time I got that it was because the strung up muscles in my shoulders were pressing on some nerves who apparently interfere with my balance or something. And my shoulders have been very bad lately so that's probably it. PT, here I come. Money, there you go. *sighs*

Bed time, I think.

kids, tv: supernatural, health, family, writing

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