Link stolen from a comment
way2busymom made in
winterlive's journal.
Bwhahahahahahahahaha!!! Oh Chad. How we love to laugh at you. *g*
[ETA. Comment stolen from Whedonesque
Any vampire that has the good taste to like both the Ramones and Nirvana deserves to Shanshu, in my opinion.
I mean, Angel likes Manilow. How is that deserving of a reward of any kind? ;)
The Pagan | June 15, 18:52 CET
Bwhahahaha!! Aaww, poor Angel and his love for Barry. *pets him*
Ps. This is not a wank, it's a response to James' June Q&A, said with a wink and a smile so no arguing about who, if anyone, deserves to Shanshu, m'ok?]