
Jun 06, 2007 19:05

I was watching the Torchwood DVD Extras and thought I'd share with you a little clip of John Barrowman aka Captain Jack Harkness, singing Anything Goes.

Download link: Anything Goes / John Barrowman

He can serenade me anytime. *happy sigh*

Ps. If anyone knows of an animated Jack/Ianto kissing icon, hook me up, will ya?

Pps. That leather thingy, that's like a watch but is not really a watch, that Captain Jack has on his wrist? I want a watch like that. Like, really, really. It's so cool. Even John said in an interview that it was the only thing he wanted to keep after they finish. *craves*

downloads, tv: torchwood, videos, people: john barrowman

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