There's this new video of our little Jimmy singing Robin, taken during the filming of
PS. I Love You. I know it's available for download elsewhere but thought I'd upload it anyway.
Robin / James Marsters (avi) You know, Jeffrey Dean Morgan is playing in that movie too. And Jensen did say they were missing their "papa" some awfully. They probably took a trip to visit him one weekend. So my question is... Where's the RPS?
In other news... seems hubby finally managed to give me that damn cold he's been fighting the last couple of weeks. Stuffed ears, sore throat and dizziness... Yep, that sounds about right. I'm waiting for the death rattling coughs to start. Thanks, honey. Let's see how long it will be before you get any sex from me again. Hmph.
Oh, and I got off work early today so I went writing and for once it wasn't a struggle but actually flowed nicely. Too bad I only had three hours before I had to fetch the kids. But I managed to finish
hellziggy's Spander, even if it isn't nearly as Spandery as it was supposed to be. More a promise of a Spander in an unseen future. *sighs* And I finished Five Times Dean Was Saved - Sam's Version and then I wrote a little more hooker!Dean. If I'd had more time I might have finished that one too. *is on fire*
I think I'm gonna need a beta for at least the SPN thing, possibly the Spander thing too. Xander isn't really speaking too clearly in my head and I'm worried he sounds way off. I know I should have watched some episodes to make him clearer before I started writing but I haven't really had the time.
I was tagged by at least two people for that Five Favourite Own Fic meme and have tried a couple of times but I'm having trouble picking. I'll have to think some more about it.
Think that's it for now.