Our Supernatural fangirl night

Mar 10, 2007 12:27

I might be slightly hung over...

I only had three beers though. And ...uhm, yeah... two Purple Nurples. *g* They were more pink than purple actually and smelled disgusting but they tasted rather good. You'll have to ask verav for the recipe, it had grape juice and vodka and Ribena... was there more? Anyway, I didn't feel drunk last night but now I'm so tired and slightly dizzy. And my feet hurt which... yeah doesn't make any sense since the only dancing we did was in our panties. Although I had been standing in the kitchen washing up for a couple of hours before the night began. *ponders*

We had fun!

Well, of course we had fun. You can't go wrong with beer and life size Winchesters and purple nurples and my poor livingroom table almost breaking from all the candy and snacks causette and verav brought. Seriously, we didn't even eat half of it. Thankfully they took most of it home with them and what was left had been eaten by the kids by the time I stumbled out of bed. There were some saltines left though and Coke, which I am making the most of now. My fridge is obviously acting up again because my coke's got little icebergs floating in it. *swirls them around with tongue*

We watched, in this order:

1. SPN 215. Tall Tales

Purple nurples! And gay!Sam! And slutty!Dean! And bedwrestling! And chipmunk!Dean! And "You brave little soldier."! Damn, that episode is just too funny for words.

2. Dark Angel 211. The Berrisford Agenda

Ok, Jensen as Alec? Is possibly one of the hottest thing ever, only topped by Dean W. *mind gets momentarily distracted by images of Alec being topped by Dean*
Where was I? Yes, Alec. Snarky, selfish, slutty, a bit of a jerk. Like all the bad boys your mother warned you about and you hoped you'd meet. And then in this episode... lonely, angsty, dark, broody, tortured by memories. Crying. Guh! The nice suit and the glasses *thud* don't hurt either. For all its flaws Dark Angel is a show that should never be forgotten because after all, it brought us this.

3. SPN 104. Phantom Traveller with commentary

You know, I'd listened to this but I hadn't listened to it while watching the episode before. Man, that Jared can talk up a storm. Jensen is lucky if he can get a word in. lmao. And how many times did we manage to twist their words into something slashy? Too many times to be counted, that's what! *g*

4. SPN Gag Reel

I really don't think there are any words needed about this. Awesomeness at its finest.

5. Day In the Life of Jensen and Jared

They are such dorks. Seriously. It's a wonder they can get through the day without breaking something or be caught feeling each other up on set. I just love watching this, just as I love watching every interview they do together because it's obvious how much they care about each other. Sex or no sex, these two obviously share a very special connection and it's a delight to watch.

6. SPN 105. Bloody Mary

Why did Dean's eyes bleed? Why did Sam see Jess on the corner of the street? How come the guys look so hot with blood all over their faces? And dammit, Kripke, why isn't there more hugging?

7. SPN 106. Skin

Stripping never looked so hot. Until it doesn't and teeth start falling out and ears get ripped off and ... yuk. But who cares, there's half-naked Dean! Also? Bondage!! And on a Friday even. Haven't had a real Bondage Friday in a very long time. There was Bondage Wednesday though... Mmmmmmm...
Anyway, where was I? Yes, Skin. All that stuff not!Dean tells Sam about how Dean feels about him and his life? And then Sam says nothing about it to Dean. Could be Sam respecting his brother's privacy but really, when has he ever done that? Although to be fair, this is very early in the season which means they haven't been back together for that long and Sam is still too wrapped up in his own emo to care too much about Dean's.

8. The cat trying to catch the DVD logo bounce around on the wall

Are we evil that we found this so amusing? Maybe. Are we bad for being too lazy to get up off the couch and get the camera to share the hilarity with you guys? Definitely.

9. SPN 122. Salvation.

Hot Papa Winchester and throats being cut and Dean going emo. *cuddles him* Still did not prevent causette and me from nodding off and so we decided to call it a night. It was almost 2 am. We've watched the boys for 6 hours.

By that time the before spring evening had been turned into a snowy winter night. Must have snowed at least 4 inches while we were watching. The girls called a cab and we said our goodbyes and I went into the bedroom and told hubby he was allowed to come out now. No, he hadn't been in there all night, he came home sometime during Skin, I think it was, and fled into the bedroom to probably watch his own preferred porn. We moved the mountain of laundry from our bed and into the livingroom and then went to bed.

Hubby had to be up at 7:40 this morning to go fetch the kids at my mum's and drive the girl to her gymnastics. When I stumbled out of bed at 11:30 he was looking very tired, poor thing. If anything he was drunker than I last night. Free booze will do that to you. So it was a very hung over and tired hubby who went in to take a nap and left me here to watch gigantic Mumins on the wall. You know, Mumin was so head over heels in love with Snusmumriken. It's almost pathetic in its sweetness. Aaww.

The girl has her first violin concert at 5:30. After only taking 4 lessons that should be interesting. *packs some earplugs, just in case*

Man, I could use some coffee right now. *groans*

meeting lj people, tv: supernatural, tv: dark angel, beer

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